Leaders Event

Statements made during the Leaders Event

Leaders Event list of speakers(updated 29 November 2015 at 2200)

The preliminary list of speakers (attached pdf) includes all Leaders who have registered to deliver a statement at the Leaders Event on Monday, 30 November 2015 during the Twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties and the Eleventh session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP 21/CMP 11).

Due to the number of Leaders attending, two meeting rooms will be available for delivery of the statements. The list indicates the names of the two meeting rooms. In addition, the list is divided into two segments, morning and afternoon.

Given the number Parties and the limited amount of time available for statements, it will be necessary to limit the duration of each statement and in fairness to all speakers, time limits will be strictly enforced, Parties are reminded that statements made during the Leaders Event should not exceed the three-minute limit.

Full texts of the statements will not be circulated in hard copy in the rooms during the Leaders Event. Statements delivered during the Leaders Event will be uploaded and made available on the UNFCCC webpage. In order to have statements posted on the UNFCCC webpage, Parties speaking at the Leaders Event are requested to e-mail an electronic copy of the statement in advance to the following e-mail address Cop21Cmp11protocol@unfccc.int.

All Parties are kindly requested to provide the Conference Officer in the plenary with 15 copies of their statements in advance to meet the needs of the interpreters.

Parties are reminded that as indicated the secretariat is not in a position to accommodate individual requests for changes in a Party's speaking slot. Parties wishing to make a change should arrange to exchange slots with another Party, and jointly notify the secretariat of the agreement that has been reached.

Special badges will be required for access and attendance at the opening of COP 21/CMP 11 and the Leaders Event and to hear statements by HoS/G.

More information on the Leaders Event is included in the first Message to Parties, the second Message to Parties, and also at the following link:

COP 21 Paris Information Hub
