8th Meeting of Lead Reviewers for the Review of Biennial Reports and National Communications of Annex I Parties
24 - 26 Feb. 2021
12:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
8th Meeting of Lead Reviewers for the Review of Biennial Reports and National Communications of Annex I Parties
24 - 26 Feb. 2021
12:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)

Annotated agenda

Conclusions and recommendations

Conclusions and recommendations

List of participants

List of participants

List of LR Award Recipients

LR Award Recipients
Background papers (Input to the meeting)

Review Practice Guidance 2021

Completeness and Transparency Assessment of Information Reported in Technical Review Reports of 4th Biennial Reports – 2021 Update

Reporting requirements for the 8th National communications of Annex I Parties



 Wednesday, 24 February

Moving forward to the ETF

Navigating the transition to the Enhanced Transparency Framework

Mentimeter result

Thursday, 25 February

Tuning In

IAR Lessons for the ETF

Completeness and transparency of information in BR4s – 2021 update

2021 Review Practice Guidance – overview of issues raised in BR4 review cycle

Thematic break out groups

Review issues related to policies and measures and projections

Review issues of cross-cutting nature and related to FTC support 

Thematic break out groups list

Friday, 26 February 

2021 Review Practice Guidance: reporting back from the break out groups

Getting ready for the BR5/NC8 cycle

Possible approaches to assessing the information on achievement of 2020 targets in BR5s

Revised guidelines for reporting of national communications by Annex I Parties: implications and challenges

Biennial reports versus biennial transparency reports (BTRs): a comparison of reported information subject to technical expert review

Mentimeter result

Recorded presentations

Key outcomes of the 2020 Climate Dialogues and looking towards COP26
Katia Simeonova, former Manager, MRV/ETF sub-division

Experience of the international consultation and analysis as a foundation for the ETF
Xuehong Wang, Team lead, Unit for Biennial Update Reports