2013 Adaptation Forum by the Adaptation Committee: Adapting to a changing climate
19 Nov. 2013
09:00h - 18:00h
Warsaw, Poland
2013 Adaptation Forum by the Adaptation Committee: Adapting to a changing climate
19 Nov. 2013
09:00h - 18:00h
Warsaw, Poland


Community, respect, trust, knowledge and climate smart development need to be at the heart and head of adapting to climate change. These were the messages from the inaugural session of the Adaptation Forum exploring visions for the future in the face of our changing climate. The forum was hosted by the Adaptation Committee, the UNFCCC body entrusted with promoting coherent adaptation action, at Warsaw’s Palace of Culture and Science.

This first Adaptation Forum followed eight days after the Philippines was hit by the devastating Typhoon Haiyan, which served at the event as a grim reminder of the impacts that can be expected from climate change.

The first part of the Forum brought together a panel of leaders and visionaries, including HE Lucille Sering, Secretary of the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines and HE Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union, alongside Ms Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation; Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, academic and author of the “Stern Review”; and Ms Bianca Jagger, Chair of the Bianca Jagger Foundation.

Moderated by Ms Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, the panel laid out their visions for a resilient future.

 A short video of highlights is available here.

In the second part of the Forum, Adaptation Committee members and the audience were able to voice their responses to the panel and visions for a climate resilient future.

Outcomes of the Forum will be featured in an upcoming documentary, which will highlight the importance of adaptation to climate change and incorporate the panel exchange and contributions from members of the Adaptation Committee and the audience.

"Adapting to a changing climate" - Adaptation Forum video documentary