Constituted Body meetings and events
Seventh meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC7)
24 - 27 Feb. 2015
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Seventh meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC7)
24 - 27 Feb. 2015
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus

The meeting took place in Bonn, Germany, from 24 to 27 February 2015 Venue: UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, Room LEU 1916

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the seventh meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC7) by agenda item

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda


AC/2015/1 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcome

The AC elected Mr. Juan Hoffmaister (Bolivia) and Mr. Donald Lemmen (Canada) as Co-Chairs.

4. Organization of work 

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the organization of work.

5. Coherence and collaboration on adaptation-related matters under the Convention

5. (a) Adaptation-related mandates under the Convention


AC/2015/2 - Adaptation-related mandates from COP 20 and SB 41, held in Lima, Peru in December 2014 


Adaptation-related mandates from the 20th session of the COP and SB41, held in Lima, Peru, in December 2014

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the following criteria to determine which potential activities should be undertaken by the AC in addition to those included in its workplan and those mandated by the COP. The activities should:

  • Assist advancing adaptation of Parties;

  • Be within the mandate of the AC;

  • Advance the workplan of the AC;

  • Add value to the work of another group or body.

The AC will encourage the Nairobi work programme (NWP) to call for the production of user-friendly products (e.g. handbooks, CDs) in the areas of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices, and based on the case studies currently under development on good practices and lessons learned.

The Co-Chairs of the AC will send protocol notes, indicating support and availability to provide inputs to:

  • The SBSTA Chair regarding the Agriculture agenda item;

  • The CGE, seeking more information on regional hands-on training workshops;

  • The L&D Excom, once it has taken up its work.

The AC is available to contribute to in-session events, including those related to:

  • Enablers and barriers to South-South cooperation on technologies for adaptation;

  • Capacity building.

Other elements contained in the document prepared for the session (e.g. related to gender) can be taken into account in the process of elaborating the next work plan of the AC.

5. (b) Collaboration with other constituted bodies under the Convention

Summary outcome

This agenda item was considered jointly with agenda item 5 (a) above.

6. National Adaptation Plans (NAPs):

6. (a)  Adaptation Committee Task Force on NAPs (NAP TF)


AC/2015/3 - Report on the meeting between members of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on NAPs and representatives from UN agencies, relevant multilateral and bilateral organizations and NGOs supporting the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Report of the Task Force to the Adaptation Committee.


Report on the informal planning meeting

Report from the breakout group on NAP TF - Activities 2015

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the report on the meeting between members of its task force on NAPs (NAP TF) and representatives from UN agencies, relevant multilateral and bilateral organizations and NGOs supporting the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

The AC endorsed the activities and next steps planned by its NAP TF in 2015 as presented.

6. (b) Workshop to share experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans


AC/2015/4 - Concept note on a workshop to share experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans 


Presentation of the concept note (AC/2015/4)

Report from the breakout group on AC/LEG workshop on NAPs

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the guiding questions for the forthcoming workshop as presented. It requested members of its NAP TF, supported by the secretariat, to plan and organize the workshop, and to invite members of the LEG to collaborate in the planning, in accordance with the conclusions of SB 40. The AC agreed to liaise with the LEG, through its NAP TF, in a timely manner, on the final agreement on the guiding questions. It requested the secretariat, when issuing the invitations, to enclose the guiding questions with further explanation of the building blocks, and to request written inputs from participants beforehand.

6. (c) Financial support for NAPs


AC/2015/5 - Policy discussion document: Issues related to financing the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans


NAPs: Enabling Robust Institutional Arrangements for Adaptation (STAP/GEF)

State of Play: Update from the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Summary outcome

The document foreseen for this meeting (AC/2015/5) was not produced due to its close linkages and overlaps with other items on the agenda, in particular the synthesis paper prepared for the workshop on means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions (see item 10b below).

The AC agreed to streamline its work on financial support for NAPs into its ongoing consideration of means of implementation for adaptation.

The AC welcomed the initiation of a dialogue with the GCF and agreed to continue and deepen the dialogue.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action:

7. (a) Work of the ad-hoc group on technical support


AC/2015/6 - Modalities to strategically strengthen and enhance the coherence of the provision of support to developing countries for activities related to adaptation. Options for next steps


Modalities to strategically strengthen and enhance the coherence of the provision of support to developing countries

Report from the breakout group on the ad-hoc group on technical support

Summary outcome

The AC requested the Co-Chairs to liaise with members of the ad-hoc group on technical support in relation to next steps to be undertaken by AC8, and to inform the AC accordingly.

7. (b) Expert meeting on promoting livelihoods and economic diversification


AC/2015/7 - Scoping paper for an expert meeting on promoting livelihoods and economic diversification 


Presentation of the scoping paper (AC/2015/7)

Report from breakout group

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the scoping paper prepared for this meeting and agreed to establish an ad-hoc working group to provide guidance to the secretariat in the organization of the expert meeting. The ad-hoc working group is requested to proceed with the planning based on the focus questions suggested in the scoping paper for the meeting, and the further discussions at AC7.

8. Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation


Update on progress: A tool for monitoring and reviewing progress, effectiveness and gaps in the formulation and implementation of NAPs (PEG M&E tool)

Strengthening Scientific Knowledge Base for Measuring, Monitoring & Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation (STAP/GEF)

Summary outcome

The AC took note of information received by a representative from the GEF/STAP on strengthening the scientific knowledge base for measuring, monitoring and evaluating climate change adaptation; and a presentation by the secretariat on the LEG’s tool for monitoring and reviewing progress, effectiveness and gaps in the formulation and implementation of NAPs.

The AC agreed to develop inputs as suggested during the discussion in its upcoming events (e.g. AC/LEG workshop on NAPs, NAP Expo) and to further refine a possible collaboration with the LEG on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of adaptation.

In the context of next workplan, the AC agreed to consider incorporating some of the identified issues in this discussion (including practical links to work done by others on this matter, e.g. GEF/STAP and PROVIA).

The AC will continue ongoing dialogues and further build on outcomes from its M&E workshop held in 2013.

9. Work plan of the Adaptation Committee


AC/2015/8 - Discussion note on a workplan of the Adaptation Committee after 2015


Presentation of the discussion note (AC/2015/8)

AC7 meeting on the workplan of AC (UNEP)

The next three-year workplan of the UNFCCC AC: strengthening coherence (SEI)

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the exchange with invited guests on its future workplan.

It requested its working group on its future workplan, in collaboration with the Co-Chairs and supported by the secretariat, to initiate the elaboration of a first draft of the workplan, drawing on the discussion.

The envisaged output is a three-year workplan with concrete activities for one year, with provisions for flexibility to take into account future developments. A first draft of the workplan should be completed by July and shared for comments with all members of the AC. A final version will be made available for agreement at AC8.

10. Status reports

10. (a) External representation of the Adaptation Committee and collaboration with other organizations


Update on external processes

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the reports and updates received by its members.

10. (b) Workshop on means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions


AC/2015/9 - Synthesis paper on means of implementation 


Overview of the workshop

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the synthesis paper prepared for the workshop and an oral report by the Co-Chairs.

10. (c) Documentary on the 2013 Adaptation Forum 

Summary outcome

The AC took note of an oral report by the secretariat on the status of distribution of, and feedback received on, the documentary.

10. (d) 2015 Adaptation Forum


Update on planning for the Second Adaptation Forum

Summary outcome

The AC took note of a report by the working group on the preparations for the 2015 Forum.

10. (e) 2015 overview report

Summary outcome

The AC took note that the Co-Chairs will work with the secretariat on the preparation of the report.

10. (f) Progress made on NAP Central


Update on progress

Summary outcome

The AC took note of an oral report by the AC member liaising with the LEG on this matter; and welcomed a technical demonstration given on its prototype.

10. (g) Organization of an in-session side event at COP 21  


Organization of an in-session side event at COP 21

Summary outcome

The AC agreed that the in-session side event should focus on:

  • Presenting the AC’s work on means of implementation, and discussing technical challenges and best practices in the experience of developing countries in accessing means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions;

  • Presenting the 2015 overview report and, through that, receiving feedback on the performance of the AC as well as other suggestions.

11. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC endorsed the following dates for its remaining meetings in 2015:

  • 16 to 17 April (two days), Bonn, Germany: Workshop, in collaboration with the LEG to share experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.

  • 2nd/3rd week in September 2015 (two days), Bonn, Germany: Expert meeting on promoting livelihoods and economic diversification.

  • 2nd/3rd week in September 2015 (up to four days, including one day to finalize the future work plan):
    8th meeting of the Adaptation Committee

The Co-Chairs, in collaboration with the secretariat, will specify the exact dates for the September meetings and inform the members of the AC by early April.

12. Any other matters

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the participation of members in its working groups.

13. Closure of the meeting.