Women Movement Green Circle – Argentina

Women Movement Green Circle has introduced women-powered bicycle taxis to Buenos Aires. The activity is entirely sustainable, friendly, and entertaining, and offers inclusion, economic growth, and a sustainable business model.

Fast facts:

  • $5,000 for development, deployment of prototype;

  • 1 million potential beneficiaries .

The problem

The streets of Buenos Aires are chaotic, congested, and polluted by cars spewing exhaust. In Buenos Aires, women have less access to opportunity and are thus more vulnerable to poverty.

The solution

This project empowers women by employing them as bicycle taxi drivers and program educators. The economical, lightweight, and useful pedicabs can transport two passengers or a small load. A flexible solar panel provides additional power over longer distances or uphill. The bicycle structures are manufactured from plastic waste. The pedicabs can additionally serve as a mobile advertising medium, or be used for city tours.

Helping the planet

The use of pedotaxis greatly reduces pollution and minimizes carbon footprint. It raises awareness about solar energy and a greener way of living. The bikes are produced with recycled plastic bottles, which repurposes solid waste and promotes a culture of sustainability.

Helping people

Helping to create gender equality, the program provides women and youth from communities of exclusion, violence, poverty, and marginalization the opportunity to earn an honest living. The project helps formalize the work of women and gives them opportunities to lead productive lives, promoting equality and empowerment. Furthermore, the taxi drivers get a healthy workout.

Spillover effect

This model can easily be extended to home transportation on a wider scale. It facilitates the creation and establishment of new businesses and business projects, such as in the plastic recycling and solar panel industry. The prototype is in use in other cities, especially in Europe. This project can be easily adapted to other regions of the world. Women Movement Green Circle thus has a high growth potential. In the long run, this could mobilize application of these techniques to domestic, commercial, and industrial uses.


Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.
