Subsidiary Body events
SBSTA informal event on the Nairobi work programme: Closing adaptation knowledge gaps through partnerships
14 Oct. 2021
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Subsidiary Body events
SBSTA informal event on the Nairobi work programme: Closing adaptation knowledge gaps through partnerships
14 Oct. 2021
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage


The Nairobi work programme (NWP), the UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, works with its partners and UNFCCC constituted bodies to help support developing countries in meeting their adaptation priorities, including formulating and implementing National Adaptation Plans.

This event will present examples and lesson learned from different collaborations and partnerships convened by the NWP. Participants will identify and talk about ways to address the knowledge gaps for different knowledge users on all aspects of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.


  1. Present examples of actions facilitated by the NWP that respond to needs of Parties and UNFCCC constituted bodies in scaling up adaptation actions in countries and subregions
  2. Present examples of collaboration with NWP partners to enhance adaptation action
  3. Discussion about ways the NWP can enhance its demand-driven, responsive approach to the adaptation and resilience needs of countries and constituted bodies in scaling up adaptation actions.
Time Agenda Speakers
14:00-14:05 Opening by the SBSTA Chair Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu
14:05-14:10 Setting out the objectives Moderator
14:10-14:20 Overview of the Nairobi work programme UNFCCC secretariat
14:20-14:50 Part I: How have collaborations and partnerships, convened by the NWP, responded to the needs of Parties and UNFCCC constituted bodies (CBs) in scaling up adaptation actions in countries?

What collaborative actions have been taken forward to respond to the needs of Parties?

What lessons have you learned from undertaking collaborative actions in response to Parties and CBs needs?

Building resilience of oceans and coastal areas: collaboration between the UNFCCC expert group on the ocean

Closing priority knowledge gaps at a subregional level in the Gulf Cooperation Council and North Africa

14:30-14:40 How are partnerships facilitated by the NWP helping to support access to information/ knowledge that countries need to address knowledge gaps?

Support access to finance to scale up adaptation actions and to implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs): example from Coastal adaptation and nature-based solutions for the implementation of NAPs. Considerations for Green Climate Fund proposal development.                                                    

Promoting synergy between biodiversity and climate change adaptation through the NAP and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans.

14:40-14:50 Facilitated Q&A and interactive discussion with Parties, UNFCCC national focal points and other participants

Part II: Facilitated discussion: How can the NWP continue to be demand-driven and responsive to the adaptation and resilience needs of countries and constituted bodies in scaling up adaptation actions?

Q&A from the floor

5 mins Closing remarks Moderator


The event is an opportunity for Parties, UNFCCC national focal points and other stakeholders to have more in-depth understanding of the progress of the NWP’s work. This work includes ongoing collaboration with the UNFCCC constituted bodies, thematic areas, subregional work through the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative, and the  UN Climate Change and Universities programme.

The event will also gather ideas from UNFCCC national focal points on enhancing the responsiveness of the NWP to adaptation and resilience needs of countries.

In Glasgow, SBSTA 52-54 will:

  • Review progress and provide additional guidance on how to strengthen the role of the NWP in addressing knowledge gaps in countries and supporting the work of CBs relevant to the implementation of the Paris Agreement; and
  • Discuss the modalities of the NWP stocktake (SBSTA 56). (Note: SBSTA 56 will take stock of the operational and institutional modalities of the NWP with a view to assessing the performance and effectiveness of the NWP at addressing knowledge needs relevant to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.)