8th Durban Forum on Capacity-building

“Strengthening institutions at the national level to support capacity-building activities for the implementation of NDCs in developing countries”


Date: Thursday 20 June (during the fiftieth session of the Subsidiary Bodies)
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Venue: Conference room 'Nairobi', WCCB, Bonn, Germany


The Durban Forum on Capacity-building was established in 2011 under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) to further enhance the monitoring and review of the effectiveness of capacity-building under the Convention.  It has served as an annual, in-session discussion platform for Parties, representatives of the constituted bodies under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol, and relevant experts and practitioners to share their experiences and exchange ideas, best practices and lessons learned on the implementation of capacity-building activities in the context of specific thematic areas.

With the establishment of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) , the work on capacity-building has been further strengthened and, similar to the 7th Durban Forum held in 2018, the lessons learned and outcomes of the 8th Durban Forum are expected to directly feed into the work of the PCCB.

The organization of the 8th Durban Forum took into consideration the COP decision which requests SBI to thematically align future meetings of the Durban Forum with the annual focus area of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, taking note of the recommendation of the Committee contained in its 2018 technical progress report.

In addition, the 8th Durban Forum built on previous years’ discussions of the forum on capacity-building in developing countries in relation to NDCs.

Scope and Sub Topic

Overarching topic:
"Strengthening institutions at national level to support capacity-building activities for the implementation of NDCs in developing countries”

1.    The role of academia, research institutions and other national or subnational institutions in strengthening and retaining capacities in developing countries;
2.     Enhancing coherence and coordination amongst national and international stakeholders (such as inter alia. government institutions support providers, civil society organizations, subnational authorities, academia and research institutions, and the private sector) for the design and delivery of capacity-building activities supporting NDC implementation;
3.     Best practices and available tools or methodologies for assessing the impact and effectiveness of capacity-building activities in strengthening national institutions capacity to implement NDCs.



The 8th Durban Forum was guided by the following objectives:

●    To provide a platform for various stakeholders to present their experiences and lessons learned and exchange knowledge;
●    To explore how to better engage academia, research institutions and other national or subnational institutions in capacity-building activities efforts to help build and retain developing countries’ capacity for NDC implementation;
●    To provide insights for partners to better align the support provide for capacity-building  activities for the implementation of NDCs in developing countries;
●    To inform related thematic discussions of the PCCB in the context of its 2019 annual focus area or theme and its 2017-2019 rolling workplan;
●   To learn from best practices and available tools or methodologies used for assessing the impact and effectiveness of capacity-building activities in strengthening national capacity. 

Programme outline

Opening Remarks

Emmanuel Dlamini)
Chair of the SBI and Chair of the Durban Forum on Capacity-building


Russell Miles
Co- Facilitator

Panel discussion

Discussion scope:

  • How to better engage academia, research institutions and other-Party stakeholders in strengthening and retaining capacities,
  • Challenges and opportunities for enhancing coherence and coordination in the design and implementation of capacity building activities
  • What needs to be done to better monitor and assess the impact of capacity- building activities
  • What type of support is needed for strengthening national institutions to support capacity-building activities


  • Stella Gama


  • H.E Sonam Phuntsho Wangdi
    Chair of the LDC Group
  • Pierre Jacquet
    President of the Global Development Network (GDN)
  • Roberta Ianna
    Senior Advisor - Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
  • Mizan R. Khan
    Coordinator of the Least Developed Countries Universities Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC)
  • Rebecca Carman
    Technical climate specialist
    United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Breakout group 1

Discussion leader
Edith Ofwona Adera
Senior Program Specialist,
International Development Research Center

Breakout group 2

Discussion leader
Robert Bradley
Director of Knowledge and Research,
NDC partnership

Breakout group 3

Discussion leader
Benito Muller
Oxford Climate Policy

The role of academia, research institutions and other national or subnational institutions in strengthening and retaining capacities in developing countries;


Enhancing coherence and coordination among national and international stakeholders (such as inter alia. government institutions support providers, civil society organizations, subnational authorities, academia and research institutions, and the private sector) for the design and delivery of capacity-building activities supporting NDC implementation;

Best practices and available tools or methodologies for assessing the impact and effectiveness of capacity-building activities

