African regional workshop documents

Information note

List of participants

Workshop Report


 Day 1

 Part I:  NAMA concept

 Status of negotiations on NAMAs

 UNFCCC secretariat

 Typology of NAMAs

 UNEP Risoe Center

 Part II: NAMA preparation and implementation process

 Lessons learned from TNA

 UNFCCC secretariat

Step by step guide for development of NAMAs


 Best practices in multi-stakeholder consultations


 Day 2

 Part III: Institutional arrangements

 Institutional building process


 DNA: Experiences from CDM


 DNA: Experiences from CDM


Country experiences inestablishing institutional
arrangements for NAMAs


Additional information on DRC's institutional set up


Country experiences in establishing institutional
arrangements for NAMAs


 Part IV: Financing

 Support from multi-lateral and bi-lateral organizations

Oral presentation by donors 

 Criteria for fundable NAMAs

 European Commission

 Day 3

 Part IV: Financing

Financial engineering, including investment approaches
for leveraging financing from different sources

 UNEP Risoe Center

 Using climate finance to mobilize private sector

 Overseas Development Institute

 Part V: MRV

 MRV in the context of UNFCCC

UNFCCC secretariat



 National experiences in setting up MRV systems


 National experiences in setting up MRV systems


 National experiences in setting up MRV System


CDM standardized baselines development,
progress, and use in NAMA context

UNFCCC secretariat

 Day 4 - NAMA Approvers' Forum 

 Part VI: Overview of the registry

 General design of the registry and its functions

 UNFCCC secretariat

 Part VII: Role fo the NAMA registry in facilitating mitigation action

 Country presentations on national processes for using the Registry

 South Africa