Constituted Body meetings and events
Third meeting of the Technical Expert Group of Comprehensive Risk Management (TEG-CRM 3)
24 Mar. 2021
19:00h - 20:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Third meeting of the Technical Expert Group of Comprehensive Risk Management (TEG-CRM 3)
24 Mar. 2021
19:00h - 20:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

TIME refers to CET


Strategic workstream (c) of the five-year workplan of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM Excom) is to enhance cooperation and facilitation in relation to comprehensive risk management (CRM) approaches (including assessment, reduction, transfer and retention). The TEG-CRM developed a Plan of Action (PoA) at its first meeting (August 2019), which was subsequently endorsed by the ExCom at its 10th meeting (October 2019).

At the second meeting of the TEG-CRM (July 2020) leads and co-leads of activities shared updates on the implementation status to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on ongoing or planned actions. Preceding ExCom 12 (October 2020), the members provided an additional round of updates that demonstrate progress and advancement in the implementation of activities in spite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Provisional agenda

Time in CET Focus

19:00 - 19:10



1. Opening and setting the scene

  • Meeting objectives
  • Adoption of the agenda
  • Update from the ExCom

19:10 - 19:50








2. Progress in implementing the PoA

Discussion of a synthesis of updates on the PoA based on inputs provided by members prior to the meeting.

Expected Action/Output:  An updated schedule of delivery of products under the current implementation phase, and any revised approach for implementation to address any gaps.

Background: The current PoA of the TEG-CRM was developed on the basis of the Excom’s five year rolling workplan, specifically Strategic workstream (c): Enhanced cooperation and facilitation in relation to comprehensive risk management approaches (including assessment, reduction, transfer and retention) to address and build long-term resilience of countries, vulnerable populations and communities to loss and damage, including in relation to extreme and slow onset events, inter alia, through: emergency preparedness, including early warning systems; measures to enhance recovery and rehabilitation and build back/ forward better; social protection instruments, including social safety nets; and transformational approaches.

19:50 - 20:10






3. Development of technical guides

Information on the development of technical guides has been provided by the ExCom. The guides are expected to be collaborative products of the expert group, with inputs from other expert groups as necessary.

Expected Action/Output: Proposed topics, with annotations, to be presented to the ExCom for endorsement.

Background: Decision 2/CMA.2 paragraph 26, mandate of the technical guides; and the ExCom’s information on production of the technical guides by the expert groups.

20:10 - 20:25




4. TEG-CRM’s deliverables of the PoA

The group may consider producing collaborative outputs involving all members, to be released as ExCom/TEG-CRM products.

Expected output: Any proposed output(s) and plans for production.

20:25 - 20:30



5. Next steps

  • Immediate follow-up actions (before/at the next ExCom meeting on 27–30 April)
  • Date for the next TEG-CRM meeting
  • Any other business