Technical Expert Meeting on Mitigation: Shifting to more Efficient Public Transport and increasing Energy Efficiency of Vehicles

Monday, 23 May 2016 - Bonn, Germany

Presentations                                                                                         Download the audio recording

Session 1: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Challenges and Innovative Approaches for Decarbonisation of the Transport Sector (2183 kB) – Mr. Jari Kauppila, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development/International Transport Forum

Common Framework, Road map and quick wins to take action on Transport, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (1014 kB) – Mr. Cornie Huizenga, Paris Process on Mobility and Climate/Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport

Session 2: Part A: 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 

International Cooperation in the Transport Sector – Experiences from Germany’s “International Climate Initiative” (1553 kB) – Mr. Markus Kurdziel, Germany, Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety 

MobiliseYourCity: 100 Cities engaged in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (1437 kB) – Mr. Mael Martinie, France, Coopération pour le Développement et l’Amélioration des Transport Urbains et Périurbains  

Policies and Measures to encourage Modal Shift Towards Cycling (3830 kB) – Mr. Giuseppe De Andreis Berrio, Colombia, Ministry of Transport 

Promoting Efficient Mobility and Adequate Public Transport Infrastructure and Services (459 kB) – Mr. Philip Turner, International Association of Public Transport 

China’s Urban Rail Transport System (630 kB) – Mr. Lei Cao, China, China International Engineering Consulting Corporation 

Barriers and Solutions to the roll out of Urban and Regional Rail in rapidly Urbanizing Developing Countries (312 kB) – Mr. Nick Craven, International Union of Railways 

Session 2: Part B:                                                                                 Download the audio recording

Success with Intelligent Transport Systems Measures and Improving Energy Efficiency (1906 kB) – Mr. Jakapong Pongthanaisawan, Thailand, National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office 

Intelligent transport systems solutions to operationalize climate mitigation policies (3076 kB) and Hand-outs (55 kB)  – Mr. Gilbert Konzett, Kapsch Group 

A New Mobility Approach in Morocco: Electric Mobility in the Public Sector (587 kB) – Mr. Ahmed Baroudi, Morocco, Société d'Investissements Énergétiques 

Clean Energy Partnership, a Solution to Decarbonise Traffic with Hydrogen (998 kB) – Mr. Thomas Bystry, Clean Energy Partnership  

Road to Sustainable Mobility (1462 kB) – Mr. Stephan Herbst, Toyota

Solving the Maritime Transport Challenges through Innovation, Efficiency and Technology Solutions(2492 kB) – Ms. Lolan Margaretha Eriksson, Finland, Ministry of Transport and Communications  

Policies and practices to improve the efficiency of international aviation and reduce CO2emissions(2103 kB) – ICAO Secretariat

IMO’s work to address GHG emissions from international shipping focusing on technical cooperation and capacity building work to support the implementation of international regulations on energy efficiency for ships (7119 kB) –  Mr. Edmund Hughes, International Maritime Organization 

Session 3:  3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.   

Synthesis of Transport-related Information from Technology needs Assessments of Developing Countries – Work of the TEC on Technology Road Maps (784 kB) – Ms. Duduzile Nhlengethwa-Masina, Chair of the Technology Executive Committee

Steps in Turning Potential Actions on the Ground (1265 kB) – Mr. Jukka Uosukainen, Director of the Climate Technology Centre and Network 

Transport – The GEF Experiences (681 kB) – Ms. Masako Ogawa, Senior Environment Specialist at the Global Environment Facility 
