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Symbol Document name Type Publication date
Russian Federation. Report on the individual review of the inventory submission of the Russian Federation submitted in 2015. Note by the expert review team.
Annual inventory review reports (ARR)
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Russian Federation. Status report of the annual inventory of the Russian Federation.
Annual status reports (ASR)
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Russian Federation. Report of the technical review of the second biennial report of the Russian Federation.
Technical review reports (TRR)
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Russian Federation. Final compilation and accounting report for the Russian Federation for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
Compilation and accounting reports (CAR)
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Russian Federation. Status report of the annual inventory of the Russian Federation.
Annual status reports (ASR)
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Report on the individual review of the report upon expiration of the additional period for fulfilling commitments (true-up period) for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol of the Russian Federation.
True-up period review reports (TPR)
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Russian Federation. Status report of the annual inventory of the Russian Federation.
Annual status reports (ASR)
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Russian Federation. Summary report on the multilateral assessment of the Russian Federation at the forty-second session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation. Note by the secretariat.
Multilateral assessment (MA) summary reports
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MA SBI 42 presentation by the Russian Federation
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Russian Federation. Report on the individual review of the annual submission of the Russian Federation submitted in 2014.
Annual inventory review reports (ARR)
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