Opportunities for cost savings and efficiencies in joint implementation, learning from experience with the clean
development mechanism while recognizing the respective mandates of the two mechanisms. Technical paper.

This document provides a technical analysis by the secretariat, in accordance with
the mandate in decision 5/CMP.10, on the opportunities for cost savings and efficiencies
for joint implementation, learning from the experiences of the clean development
mechanism, while recognizing the respective mandates of the two mechanisms. The
document compares the functions of the two crediting mechanisms to identify potential
areas of synergy and associated cost savings for joint implementation, and examines
approaches to increase the efficiency of joint implementation, particularly with regard to
ensuring its environmental efficiency, drawing on recent developments in the clean
development mechanism.

SBI 42 agenda sub-item 5 (b)
Review of the modalities and procedures for the clean development mechanism
This document is available in English only