Report of the Transitional Committee for the design of the Green Climate Fund. Note by the Co-Chairs of the Transitional Committee.

In its decision 1/CP.16, the Conference of the Parties (COP) decided that the Green Climate Fund shall be designed by a Transitional Committee (TC) in accordance with the terms of reference contained in appendix III to that decision. Through these terms of reference the TC was tasked to develop and recommend operational documents to the COP for approval at its seventeenth session. This report of the TC was considered by the TC at its fourth and final meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, and is submitted to the COP at its seventeenth session for its consideration and approval, in accordance with the relevant provisions of decision 1/CP.16 and its appendix III. This report contains draft recommendations of the TC to the COP, including a draft governing instrument for the Green Climate Fund. A letter by which the Co-Chairs have transmitted the report of the TC to the COP is presented in document FCCC/CP/2011/6/Add.1

Item 8 of the provisional agenda
Green Climate Fund - report of the Transitional Committee
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