Report of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer. Note by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer.

This note reports on the work of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT) in the period from January to May 2010, conducted in accordance with its two-year rolling programme of work for 2010–2011. It covers the outcomes of intersessional activities of the EGTT, including its special meeting held on 22–23 February 2010 in Sydney, Australia. It also presents the updated programme of work of the EGTT for 2010–2011, developed by the EGTT at its fifth regular meeting, held on 27–28 May 2010 in Bonn, Germany

SBSTA: Item 4 of the provisional agenda
Development and transfer of technologies
SBI: Item 8 of the provisional agenda
Development and transfer of technologies
This document is available in English only
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