Implementation of Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention (decision 3/CP.3 and Articles 2.3 and 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol).
Matters relating to Article 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol. Input to the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries.
Agenda items 4 (f)
Review of the implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention. Implementation of Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention (decision 3/CP.3 and Articles 2.3 and 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol)
Agenda items 7 (f)
Preparations for the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (decision 8/CP.4). Matters relating to Article 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol
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