
supporting the implementation of technology action plans

This UNFCCC side event will highlight success stories with the implementation of technology action plans (TAPs), prepared by developing countries as part of their technology needs assessments (TNAs) of relevance, to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement (PA). Countries will present their experiences and lessons learned when implementing their TAPs and TNA results. The TNA results may include national strategies, policies, programmes, technology inclusive adaptation and mitigation projects, or linking the TNA results with Nationally Determined Contributions, or other processes under the Convention, such as National Adaptation Plans. 

At the side event:

  • Based on the PA text, possible roles of TNAs and TAPs in supporting implementation of PA will be discussed,
  • The latest development of, and lessons learned from the TNA process, under the global GEF-UNEP TNA project will be presented,
  • Role of the TNAs in the NDCs will be shown,
  • Concrete examples of implementation of TAPs under the global TNA project will be provided.

Title: Development and transfer of technologies - UNFCCC side event at the May Bonn Climate Change Conference - Supporting the implementation of technology action plans
Registration: To attend the event, please register for the Bonn Climate Change Conference
Information for participants: Click here
10 May 2017, 18:30 - 20:00
Location: Room Berlin, World Conference Centre Bonn, Germany


Opening – Supporting the implementation of Technology Action Plans  - (10 min.)
Mr. Carlos Fuller, Chair of the SBSTA

The latest development of, and lessons learned from, the TNA process under the global GEF-UNEP TNA project, Role of the TNAs in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) - (15 min.)
Ms. Sara Traerup, Senior Climate Change Adaptation Expert, UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP), Denmark

Experiences and lessons learned from implementation of TAPs in Mongolia - (10 min.)
Mr. Batjargal Zamba, National Consultant on NDC, Ministry of Environment, Mongolia

Experiences and lessons learned from implementation of TAPs in Lebanon - (10 min.)
Ms. Mary Awad, Project Officer, Ministry of Environment, Lebanon

Experiences and lessons learned from implementation of TAPs in Gambia - (10 min.)
Mr. Bubu Pateh Jallow, Chief Technical Adviser, Climate Change Early Warning Project, Gambia

Experiences and lessons learned from implementation of TAPs in Zimbabwe - (10 min.)
Mr. Elisha N Moyo, Climate Technology National Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Zimbabwe

Q&A and closing - (20 min.)