May–June 2021 Climate Change Conference – sessions of the subsidiary bodies
31 мая - 17 июн

What is the May–June 2021 Climate Change Conference?

The UN Climate Change subsidiary bodies sessions, took place from 31 May to 17 June 2021, as a fully virtual conference.

This session allowed Parties to make progress on the high volume of work accumulated in the absence of sessions in 2020.

Modalities of the virtual conference and support

Registered participants could follow and take part in meetings via a new virtual conference platform. Convening the sessions of the subsidiary bodies virtually is new to the process. For this reason, the secretariat, with guidance from the Bureau, made every effort to ensure a meaningful participation by all Parties, taking the challenges of remote participation into account, as well as by observers according to agreed practice.

Visit our participant instruction and access page for more information and training guides as well as access to the platform. Please note that by accessing the virtual conference platform, all participants agree to adhere to the Code of conduct for UNFCCC conferences, meetings and events.

Meeting schedule

An indicative weekly schedule is published on the Meetings Schedule page.
Please note that there were no side events nor exhibits during these sessions.

Access for the public

The public was able to follow the broadcasts of selected events, notably plenary meetings and press conferences, live or on-demand on our Public Webcast site. You can also join the conversation or follow our updates on social media, using hashtag #SB2021.

Information and documents

Please follow the links below for information and documents on the SBSTA, SBI and activities of the governing bodies and the presidencies.

2021 session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice

2021 session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation

Activities of the governing bodies and the Presidencies
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