Process to strengthen observer engagement in the UNFCCC

Scale and diversity characterize the observer landscape of UNFCCC – no other annual meetings of UN processes attract as many observers as UNFCCC. Considering the urgency of climate action, this is a welcome and needed development as the observers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to assist Parties in implementing the Convention, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement. Their engagement not only contributes to the acceleration of system transformation towards a 1.5-degree climate resilient world, but it also brings legitimacy to the intergovernmental process. Ensuring a meaningful, inclusive, fair and transparent engagement, however, requires a significant amount of consideration and resources given that the observers are so many and so diverse.

The objective of the 'Process to strengthen observer engagement in the UNFCCC' is to collectively find solutions to address inherent challenges that the secretariat, observer organizations, and presiding officers are facing in ensuring meaningful, inclusive, fair and transparent observer engagement in the UNFCCC process within their respective responsibilities and mandates.

Phase Zero:

The concept note outlines the background of the ‘Process to strengthen observer engagement, its objectives, outcomes and methodology (including principles, governance, phases and issues to be discussed).

Concept note: Process to strengthen observer engagement in the UNFCCC

Background note

In accordance with the concept note on the review process to strengthen observer engagement in the UNFCCC process, the secretariat prepared a draft background note and circulated to the NGO Constituency Focal Points and a few IGOs who are participating in Phase 1 for their further inputs. The following background note is a compilation of their inputs and open to further additions that serve as backdrop for the focus groups in Phase 2. 

Background note: Process to strengthen the observer engagement in the UNFCCC

Mapping matrix observer engagement

Different constituted bodies have different mandates relating to stakeholder engagement set by Parties. The secretariat and  the co-chairs are duty-bound to operate within the mandates. The mapping matrix shows how various Constituted Bodies, Work Programmes and other initiatives and activities are engaging stakeholders.

The mapping matrix is a live document and we will regularly share the latest available version.

Mapping matrix observer engagement (11 January 2023)

SBI Biennium Reports

For further background information please refer to the 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 Biennium Reports below:

2018-2019 Biennium report, Paragraph 15

2020-2021 Biennium report, Paragraph 36

Phase One:

The agenda contains the list of agenda items to be discussed during focus groups and through written submissions. It was co-created with constituencies and augmented by inputs from the participants in Phase 1 of the process identified in the concept note.

Agenda items: Process to strengthen the observer engagement in the UNFCCC

Phase Two:

Focus groups guiding principles

Agenda item 1 - Observer organizations




Agenda Item 2 – Representation and Equitable Access




Agenda item 3 - Admission and registration



Additional documents:

Principles of participation

Revocation process in the UNCCD


Agenda item 4 - Current modes of engagement




Agenda item 5 - Constituted bodies and support teams


Additional documents: 

Constituted bodies modes of observer engagement (updated 29 July)


Agenda item 6 - Administrative and operational arrangements and financial support



Additional documents: 

COP 26 Side events and Exhibits survey 

Agenda item 6 - Administrative and operational arrangement and financial support

Agenda item 6 on Administrative and operational arrangements and financial support was prioritized, since the inputs and discussions under this topic could potentially feed into the ongoing preparations of the secretariat, observer organizations and the Egyptian Presidency for the organization of COP27. A total of 26 participants from admitted observer organizations registered for the two scheduled focus groups under this agenda item and a total of 20 representatives participated. The first meeting, held on 13 of July, had 7 participants, while the second, held on 15 of July, had 13 participants on the observers’ side. The meetings also counted on the participation of secretariat staff and representatives from COP26 and COP27 Presidencies. In addition to the meetings, a total of 26 written submissions were received on this agenda item.   

Agenda item 1 - Observer organizations

Between 25 of July and 8 of August, there were five focus groups scheduled for agenda item 1 on Observer organizations, and another five scheduled for agenda item 3 on admission and registration, with 89 participants from admitted observer organizations registering for the former, and 154 for the latter.  

The first focus group on agenda item 1 was held on 26 of July and had 9 participants from admitted observer organizations in addition to the secretariat staff; the second, on 28 of July, had 9. The third group was held on 1st of August, with 7 observer participants, while the fourth, held on 2 of August, counted on 10 participants. The last focus group, held on 4 of August, had 12 participants. In addition to the meetings, a total of 13 written submissions were received for this agenda item.

Agenda item 3 - Admission and registration

As for agenda item 3 Admission and registration, the first focus group, held on 27 of July, had 8 participants from admitted observer organizations in addition to the secretariat staff. The focus group scheduled for 29 of July was cancelled for lack of attendance, and the one participant present kindly accepted to join one of the remaining meetings. The focus group held on 3 of August had 7 participants and also counted on the participation of COP26 Presidency representatives, while the focus group held on 5 of August had 13 participants from observer organizations. The last focus group to be held on 8 of August, counted on 5 participants. In addition to the meetings, a total of 10 written submissions were received for this agenda item.

Agenda items 4  - Current Modes of Observer Engagement

Two focus groups were scheduled for the second week on August on agenda items 4 on Current Modes of Observer Engagement and 5, on Constituted Bodies and Support Team, with 67 participants from accredited observer organizations registered for the former and 46 for the latter.  The first focus group on agenda item 4 took place on 10 of August, and had 15 observer organization participants, while the second was held on 12 of August, with 17 participants.  In addition to the meetings, a total of 9 written submissions were received for agenda item 4.

Agenda item 5 - Constituted Bodies and Support Team

Two focus groups were scheduled for the second week on August on agenda items 5, on Constituted Bodies and Support Team. The focus group meetings for agenda item 5 took place on August 9 (10 participants) and 11 (17 participants). A total of 5 written submissions were received for this agenda item. 

Agenda item 2 - Representation and equitable access

Five focus groups were carried out under agenda item 2 Representation and equitable access in the week of 12-16 of September, with a total of 88 participants from admitted observer organizations registered. The first meeting, held on 12 of September, had 12 participants on the observers’ side. The second, third and fourth meetings had, respectively: 14 (13 September), 7 (14 September), and 7 (15 September). The last meeting, held on 16 of September, counted on 8 participants. In addition to the meetings, a total of 9 written submissions were received on this agenda item, including 3 stand-alone submissions on conflict of interest/ purpose of participation.

Kindly find the list of participants here.

Focus groups on agenda item 6 took place on:

  • Wednesday 13 July 16:00 – 18:00 CEST
  • Friday 15 July 10:00 – 12:00 CEST

Focus groups on agenda item 1 took place on:

  • Tuesday, 26 July, 11:00-12:00 CEST
  • Thursday, 28 July, 14:00 -16:00 pm CEST
  • Monday, 1 August, 17:00 - 19:00 pm CEST
  • Tuesday, 2 August, 10:00 - 12:00 CEST
  • Thursday, 4 August, 8:00 - 10:00 CEST

Focus groups on agenda item 3 took place on:

  • Wednesday, 27 July 2022; Time: 14:00-16:00 CEST  
  • Friday, 29 July 2022; Time: 10:00-12:00 CEST
  • Wednesday, 3 August 2022; Time: 11:00-13:00 CEST
  • Friday, 5 August 2022; Time: 8:00 - 10:00 CEST
  • Monday , 8 August 2022 Time: 17:00 - 19:00 CEST

Focus groups on agenda item 4 took place on:

  • Wednesday 10 August 17:00 – 19:00 CEST
  • Friday 12 August 9:00-11:00 CEST

Focus groups on agenda item 5 took place on:

  • Tuesday 9 August 9:00-11:00 CEST
  • Thursday 11 August 16:00-18:00 CEST

Focus groups on agenda item 2 took place on:

  • Monday, 12 September 2022; Time: 17:00 - 19:00 CEST
  • Tuesday, 13 September 2022; Time: 15:00 - 17:00 CEST
  • Wednesday, 14 September 2022; Time: 14:00 -16:00 CEST
  • Thursday, 15 September 2022; Time: 10:00 - 12:00 CEST
  • Friday, 16 September 2022; Time: 09:00 - 11:00 CEST

Written submissions

You will find two deadlines for written submissions for the agenda items below: one before the focus group meetings and the other, after. The contributions submitted by the “deadline in time for incorporation in the information sheet” will inform the discussions of focus groups as part of the background information sheet provided ahead of each focus group, and they will therefore have a better chance to develop into actionable points through the multi-stakeholder discussions. Submissions that are received after the focus group meetings will certainly be reviewed by the secretariat but will not be discussed by the wider observer community. We will nevertheless keep the submission opportunities open after the focus groups in case you have more ideas after the discussions or do not have time to make it in time for the first deadline. We strongly encourage you to meet the first deadline whenever possible.  

Agenda item 1- Observer organizations:

Written submissions for agenda item 1 are closed. Please see the below collated written submissions:

Collated written submissions Agenda Item 1


Agenda item 2 – Representation and equitable access:

Written submissions for agenda item 2 are closed. Please see the below collated written submissions:

Collated written submissions Agenda Item 2

Agenda item 3 – Admission and registration:

Written submissions for agenda item 3 are closed. Please see the below collated written submissions:

Collated written submissions Agenda Item 3


Agenda item 4 – Current modes of observer engagement

Written submissions for agenda item 4 are closed. Please see the below collated written submissions:

Collated written submissions Agenda Item 4


Agenda item 5 – Constituted bodies and support teams:

Written submissions for agenda item 5 are closed. Please see the below collated written submissions:

Collated written submissions Agenda Item 5


Agenda item 6 – Administrative and operational arrangements and financial support

Written submissions for agenda item 6 are closed. Please see the below collated written submissions:

Collated written submissions Agenda Item 6

Phase Three:

Summaries per Agenda Item:

- Agenda Item 1 Summary

- Agenda Item 2 Summary

- Agenda Item 3 Summary

- Agenda Item 4 Summary

- Agenda Item 5 Summary

- Agenda Item 6 Summary


Final Report:

The final report summarizing the Process to Strengthen Observer Engagement can be found here.


Monitoring and Evaluation: 

The mechanism to track implementation, as explained in chapter 6 of the Final Report, will be available here.
