COP 12 - Harish Murthi

Harish Murthi
"The philosophy that I adhere to is one of ‘art with meaning.’ The essence of my work is to have a high quality product that is unique, and that complements my aspirations of perfection. I am from Nairobi, Kenya and am currently working for UN-HABITAT as a graphics consultant. I hold a Bachelors in Design and Illustration from the United States and soon after my degreeI completed an internship with the United Nations print shop in Nairobi. I enjoy working on digital illustrations and large format artwork. The UNFCCC poster project has been an excellent opportunity to express myself by portraying clear messages within my art relating to climate change. Hopefully, the posters stimulate the senses of all who view them."

Adaptation to Climate Change

Youth Initiative

Technology Transfer

CDM Opportunities

Renewable Energies