Workshop under the SBI work programme to further the understanding of the diversity of NAMAs

The  workshop, held on 11 November, was divided into three segments and began with an overview by the secretariat of decisions on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), followed by updates on implementation by several developing country Parties. The information provided by developing countries shows the significant progress they are making towards implementing their NAMAs. They are implementing a wide variety of activities at the national level, including the establishment of policies and programmes, the setting up of institutional arrangements, and the implementation of concrete projects. 

In a second segment, UNEP Risoe explained the limitations and challenges relating to available information on NAMAs and issues of transparency. There was an interesting discussion on the trade-off between transparency and standardization in relation to NAMAs.

Discussions in the final segment focused on support for NAMAs. This included presentations by UNEP Risoe giving an overview of support, and by Germany/UK on the Nama Facility, set up jointly by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. The US explained support through the LEDS global partnership that enhances cooperation to advance climate-resilient, low emission growth.

There followed two interactive discussions with input from experts. The first focused on technical aspects of NAMAs by a representative from TERI (India). Participants discussed detailed information on approaches for setting baselines, including related parameters and assumptions.
In the second discussion, a representative from KfW (Germany) provided detailed information on financial instruments, criteria and access modalities for NAMAs, as well as some reflections on the bankability of projects. Participants had the opportunity to discuss the challenges with established criteria for accessing finance, the need to avoid onerous MRV requirements, and the importance of early engagement and dialogue between providers and receivers of finance to discuss mutually beneficial terms.

Further information about this workshop, including presentations, is available here.