Collaboration and outreach

One of the functions of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage is strengthening dialogue, coordination, coherence and synergies among relevant stakeholders by:

  • Providing leadership and coordination and, as and where appropriate, oversight under the Convention, on the assessment and implementation of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the impacts of climate change from extreme events and slow onset events associated with the adverse effects of climate change;

  • Fostering dialogue, coordination, coherence and synergies among all relevant stakeholders, institutions, bodies, processes and initiatives outside the Convention, with a view to promoting cooperation and collaboration across relevant work and activities at all levels.

The five-year workplan of the Executive Committee takes into account, in a cross-cutting manner, actions to complement, draw upon the work of and involve other bodies under and outside the Convention.

The strategic workstream (e) of the workplan also contains activities targeting stakeholder engagement. Such activities include: engaging stakeholders to develop knowledge and support the dissemination of best practices to effectively plan and prepare for and respond to loss and damage; and inviting relevant actors to continue developing insurance mechanisms, as appropriate, embedded in an integrated risk management approach.

How to get involved?

Past invitations and calls for inputs

The table below provides links for communication, outreach and sharing of information, undertaken in the context of the implementation of the initial two-year workplan of the Executive Committee.



20 December 2017

Call for submissions on type and nature of actions to address loss and damage for which finance may be required

Submissions received >>>

5 May 2017

Template for collecting feedback on a draft paper-based compendium on comprehensive risk management approaches

13 October 2016

Invitation to institutions to provide input on the content, design and use of the clearing house for risk transfer through a user needs assessment

28 September 2016

Invitation to international, regional, bilateral and non-governmental actors to complete a questionnaire on climate risk analysis/management    

3 August 2016

Letter to public institutions and funds and private investors to incorporate climate risk and resilience into development projects and into investment criteria and decisions and encourage, promote and coordinate with research and development processes on financial instruments and tools that address the risks of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change (Action Area 7, activities (a) and (b) of the initial two-year workplan)

Inputs received: IFAD

1 August 2016  

Call for inputs in response to the key messages in the context of Action Area 7 of the initial two-year workplan, including making recommendations for addressing any gaps and challenges (Action Area 7 of the initial two-year workplan)

10 May 2016

Invitation to relevant organizations and experts to collaborate with the Executive Committee to facilitate access to information, including through collaborative channels or databases, and technologies to track the impacts, and enable approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including slow onset events (Action Area 3, activity (c) of the initial two-year workplan)

30 Mar 2016

Invitation to relevant organizations and experts to provide knowledge, data and scientific information on both internal and cross-border migration, displacement and other forms of human mobility owing to factors related to climate change impacts, including in combination with other factors (Action Area 6, activity (a) of the initial two-year workplan)

Submissions received>>>

10 Mar 2016

Letter to the Chair of the SBSTA requesting to consider slow onset events as a possible topic for the research dialogue to be held at SBSTA 44 or for future research dialogues (in the context of Action Area 3, activity (b) of the initial two-year workplan)

Response letter from the Chair of the SBSTA (18 September 2016)

8 Mar 2016

Template for submission of information by organizations that are working on slow onset events and the scope of their current efforts (Action Area 3, activity (a) of the initial two-year workplan)

11 Feb 2016

Call for submissions on best practices, challenges and lessons learned from existing financial instruments at all levels that address the risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change (Action Area 7, activity (d) of the initial two-year workplan)

Submissions received>>>

14 Oct 2015

Initial communication in the context of Action Area 1, activity (a) of the initial two-year workplan:



