APA item 5 (transparency)

Modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.      

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APA 1.7- Resumed first session, 2-14 December 2018 (Katowice)

6 December 2018
Draft text: First iteration

7 December 2018
Draft text: Second iteration

8 December 2018
Draft text: Third iteration

12 December 2018
President's textual proposal


APA 1.5 - Resumed first session, 30 April- 10 May 2018 (Bonn)

Conclusions of the session

Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs

Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs, addendum

Wednesday, 9 May 2018:

  • The Informal Note by the co-Facilitators is available here

Tuesday, 8 May 2018:

  • The Informal Note by the co-Facilitators is available here

Monday, 7 May 2018:

  • For APA agenda item 5 – section D visual tool, please click here
  • Materials for discussion for the joint informal consultations on APA items 4 and 5 are available here

Saturday, 5 May 2018:

  • For updated (7 May 2018, 08:41 hrs) information on the organization of the work, please click here
  • For APA agenda item 5 – section A visual tool, please click here

Friday, 4 May 2018:

  • For APA agenda item 5 – section B visual tool, please click here
  • For APA agenda item 5 – sections E and F visual tool, please click here
  • Tool prepared by the co-facilitators on section G issues for discussion (revised), please click here 
  • Tool prepared by the co-facilitators on section H issues for discussion, please click here

Thursday, 3 May 2018:

  • For updated information on the organization of the work, please click here
  • For APA agenda item 5 – section C visual tool, please click here
  • For APA agenda item 5 – section G visual tool, please click here
  • For APA agenda item 5 – section H visual tool, please click here

Tuesday, 1 May 2018:

  • For the light revision of APA 1.4 informal note by the Co-facilitators, please click here
  • For the tracking changes in the light revision, please click here  (excel table)

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators

Version (14 November 2017)  Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators-final version

Version (12 November 2017)   Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators


Preliminary material in preparation for the first iteration of the informal note on this agenda item.

Version (08 November 2017)  Preliminary material       Preliminary material (word version)

Round table:

The secretariat was requested to organize, under the guidance of the APA Co-Chairs, a pre-sessional
round table, to be held on Saturday, 4 November and Sunday, 5 November 2017, focusing on issues covered  in Parties' submissions referred to in paragraph 13 (a)  of APA 1.3 conclusions, and also including technical discussions on how cross-cutting issues listed in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, including inter alia, its paragraphs 2-4, were considered in Parties' submissions.

Agenda item


Saturday, 4 November 2017 (Room: Chamber Hall)

Transparency of support provided and received


Technical expert review, and facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress (both including a focus on transparency of support)


Sunday, 5 November 2017 (Room: Chamber Hall)

Transparency of action in relation to adaptation


Transparency of action in relation to mitigation


The round table was facilitated by the delegates designated to facilitate discussions on matters under APA agenda item 5 at APA 1.4. Participants were officially registered for the UN Climate Change Conference and carried a valid conference badge to access the workshop venue. While no formal registration was required, in order to facilitate planning, interested delegates planning to attend the round table were kindly invited to inform the secretariat at: tisu@unfccc.int.


The following tables, prepared by the Co-facilitators under their own responsibility, were made available on screen during the round table for the sole purpose of facilitating discussions, and thus have no status.

01 APA 1.4 item 5 RT-Support     02 APA 1.4 item 5 RT-TER   

03 APA item 5 RT-FMCP      04 APA 1.4 item 5- Adaptation

05 APA item 5 RT GHG-inventory    06 APA 1.4 item 5 RT-Mitigation

(a) Invited Parties to make, by 30 September 2017, focused submissions taking into account the possible “headings and subheadings” contained in the annex to the informal note prepared by the co-facilitators. In submitting their views, Parties are also invited to elaborate, as appropriate, the specific operational details under the possible “headings and subheadings”;
(b) Requested the secretariat to organize, under the guidance of the APA Co-Chairs, a pre-sessional round table, to be held on Saturday, 4 November, and Sunday, 5 November 2017, focusing on issues covered in Parties’ submissions referred to in paragraph 13(a) above, and also including technical discussions on how cross-cutting issues listed in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, including, inter alia, its paragraphs 2–4, were considered in Parties’ submissions. The round table will address the following:
(i) On 4 November: transparency of support provided and received; technical expert review, including in relation to transparency of support; and facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress, including in relation to transparency of support;
(ii) On 5 November: transparency of action in relation to mitigation and transparency of action in relation to adaptation.

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators-final version

The submissions from Parties in response to the invitation from APA 1.2 (see below for further details) are available on the Submission Portal.

The intersessional workshop requested by APA 1.2 (see below for further details) was held in Bonn, Germany from 16- 18 March 2017. The workshop report is contained in documents:
FCCC/APA/2017/INF.2 and FCCC/APA/2017/INF.2/Add.1

Conclusions of the session

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators

Workshop report (FCCC/APA/2017/INF.2 and
FCCC/APA/2017/APA/INF.2/ Add.1)

Submissions by Parties (the submissions are available on the
Submission Portal)

Given the complexity and breadth of the issues under this item, Parties, in Marrakech, worked intensively to arrive at a common understanding of the scope and nature of the issues, and, in particular, of how to organize work. It was confirmed that work should proceed in a balanced, holistic, and logical manner in order to address all elements of Article 13 of the Paris Agreement and paragraphs 84–98 of decision 1/CP.21. Reporting could be the ‘entry point’ for discussion, while remembering its close linkage with technical expert review and facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress. The workplan for this item, developed by Parties during the session and contained in section II of the informal note by the co-facilitators, is a significant step forward.

APA 1.2 invited Parties to submit, by 15 February 2017, their views on the following questions:

(a) What should be the specific components of the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the transparency of action and support under Article 13, paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12?
(b) How should the transparency framework build on and enhance the transparency arrangements under the Convention, recognizing that the transparency arrangements under the Convention shall form part of the experience drawn upon for the development of the MPGs?
(c) With respect to the MPGs, how should flexibility for those developing countries that need it in the light of their capacities be operationalized?
(d) What other elements should be considered in the development of the MPGs, including, inter alia, those identified in paragraph 92 of decision 1/CP.21?

APA 1.2 requested the secretariat to organize, under the guidance of the APA Co-Chairs, an intersessional workshop before the third part of its resumed first session (May 2017) that will focus on themes covered in Parties’ submissions, starting with discussions on reporting and recognizing that it is closely linked with technical expert review and facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress. Therefore, when necessary, at the workshop discussions about technical expert review, and facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress should take place in conjunction with and/or complementary to reporting. APA 1.2 further requested its Co-Chairs to prepare, with the support of the secretariat, a workshop report for consideration at the third part of the resumed first session, and noted that in the organization of the workshop the APA Co-Chairs and secretariat should recognize the linkages with other agenda items to avoid duplication of work.

Conclusions of the session (FCCC/APA/2016/4)
Informal note by the co-facilitators ( co-facilitator's note)
Submissions by Parties (FCCC/APA/2016/INF.3; FCCC/APA/2016/INF.3/Add.1 and FCCC/APA/2016/Add.2)

Conclusions of the session (FCCC/APA/2016/L.3)
