Regional Workshop on Action for Climate Empowerment for Europe and the Mediterranean region
02 - 04 Oct. 2018
09:00h - 18:00h
La Spezia, Italy
To be confirmed
Regional Workshop on Action for Climate Empowerment for Europe and the Mediterranean region
02 - 04 Oct. 2018
09:00h - 18:00h
La Spezia, Italy
To be confirmed

Background: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Change Agreement unanimously recognize the importance of education and public awareness in the drive towards sustainable development.

Article 6 of the UNFCCC, Article 10 of the Kyoto Protocol, and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement stipulate the promotion of education, training and public awareness on climate change. Parties are encouraged to promote and facilitate climate change–related educational programmes, public awareness campaigns, public access to relevant information, public participation, the training of experts, and the enhancement of international cooperation at the national level and, as appropriate, sub-regional and regional levels.

Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) is a term adopted by the UNFCCC. It refers to Article 6, focusing on six priority areas: education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation on these issues. The implementation of all six areas has been identified in recent years as a pivotal factor to enhance public understanding and participation in solving the complex challenges presented by climate change. As the implementation of ACE is a long-term process that requires a framework to support national efforts, national focal points have been established in different regions.

By its decision 17/CP.22 the Conference of the Parties (COP) requested the secretariat to organize workshops, videoconferences and activities at the international and regional levels to build and strengthen the existing skills and capacity of the national ACE focal points, taking into account opportunities to integrate such efforts into workshops held by relevant bodies under the Convention.

Objective: The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for ACE national focal points and other relevant Party representatives to share their experiences, exchange ideas, good practices and lessons learned in implementing the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention. The workshop will contribute to strengthen the existing skills and capacities of national focal points for ACE. Besides, taking advantage of the participation of ACE national focal points from different countries as well as representatives of the UNFCCC secretariat and distinguished speakers, the Italian Ministry for the Environment will also support the secretariat in the organization of a public event, in order to raise awareness among the civil society on ACE and the Paris Agreements goals.

Focus topic: The workshop will address the six elements of ACE – education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information and international cooperation – with a special emphasis on the topic of climate change, marine protection and coastal management.

Methodology: The workshop will be organized as a series of sessions that will include presentations on good practices and lessons learned, followed by working group discussions.

Participation: The workshop is organized for ACE national focal points and other relevant Party representatives, from European and Mediterranean countries, representatives from international, national and local organisations, institutions and agencies that work in the field of environmental education, education for sustainable development and climate change. Furthermore, one delegate from each UNFCCC constituency will be invited to participate.

Organizer: The workshop will be organized by the UNFCCC secretariat in partnership with the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea.

Key Information

Paris Agreement

Decision -/CP.22 Improving the effectiveness of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention


2 October 2018

09:00 – 09:30 DAY I
09:30 – 10:30

Opening of the workshop

Welcoming remarks

  • Mr. Kristopher Casati, Municipality of La Spezia, Italy 
  • Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, Manager, Global Climate Action, UN Climate Change 
  • Ms. Vienna Eleuteri, President, Eulabor Institute 
  • Ms. Roberta Delfanti, Head, Division Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Capital – Marine Environment Research Centre – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)

Outline and objectives of the workshop by the facilitator

  • Ms. Roberta Ianna, Senior Expert, Italian Ministry for the Environment, AT Sogesid

Tour de table 

Group photo   

10:50 – 11:20 

Introductory presentation

Overview of Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) and the implementation of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention

 Questions and answers 

11:20 – 13:00

Presentation of good practices and lessons learned

 Ms. Laura Maanavilja, European Commission

 Stina Soderqvist ,Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden

 Roberta Ianna, Italian Ministry for the Environment, AT Sogesid

Roberto Antiga, USR Liguria

Questions and answers

14:30 – 14:40

Methodology of the working groups

14:40 – 15:40

Working group 

Working group's discussions on key topics

16.00 – 16.30

Ms Francesca Santoro, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO

Questions and answers

16:30 – 17:30

Working group 

Working group's discussions on key topics

17:30 – 18:00

Presentation of conclusions by each working group to the plenary

18.30 – 21-00 Tour of the A. Lia Museum and reception offered by the Municipality of La Spezia




09:30 – 09:40

Outline and objectives of the day

  • Ms. Roberta Ianna, Senior Expert, Italian Ministry for the Environment – AT Sogesid
  • Ms. Adriana Valenzuela, UN Climate Change
09:40 – 10:40

Presentation of good practices and lessons learned

Presentation of environmental education/awareness raising projects

Irene Fisco, Center for Development Information and Education (CIES)

Hadeel Ikhmais, Environment Quality Authority, Palestine

11:00 – 11:10 

methodologies of working groups 

11:10 – 12:10

Working group 

working group discussions on key topics 

13:00 – 14:30

Presentation of conclusions by each working group to the plenary

15:00 – 18:00

Public event: The role of non-Party stakeholders in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement 

Moderator: Mr. Massimiliano Giuseppe Falcone, Professor IULM, C4C, the World Bank Group

Welcoming remarks

  • Mr. Pierluigi Peracchini, Mayor of La Spezia, Italy
  • Mr. Francesco La Camera, Director General, Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, Italy
  • Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, Manager, Global Climate Action, UN Climate Change

Italian experiences: Meeting the Paris Agreement goals: a global challenge requiring local commitments

Vienna Eleuteri, Eulabor Institute

Francesca Cappellaro, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)

Questions and answers

19:00 – 21:00


Wrap up reception by the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea


09:00 – 10:00 

Dialogue: Fostering non-Party stakeholders in implementing Action for Climate Empowerment

Kenza Khallafi, Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection

  • The role of young people implementing Action for Climate Empowerment


Kristopher CASATI Chairman of Environment city hall of La Spezia


10:00 – 13:00

Field trip 

  • Increasing climate resilience and enhancing sustainable development in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Cinque Terre

Guided visit by a local NGO Fondazione Manarola Cinqueterre


13:45 – 14:45

Closing of the workshop

Wrap up plenary

  • Mr. David Abbass, Lead, Outreach, Global Climate Action, UN Climate Change

Closing remarks

  • Ms. Roberta Ianna, Senior Expert, Ministry for the Environment – AT Sogesid, Italy
  • Ms. Adriana Valenzuela, UN Climate Change