Información para los participantes - Conferencia sobre el cambio climático de mayo-junio de 2021

Welcome to the information page of May–June 2021 Climate Change Conference – sessions of the subsidiary bodies, which took place in a virtual setting from 31 May to 17 June 2021. The conference included the 2021 sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (May–June).



UNFCCC conferences, meetings and events should be professional, respectful and harassment-free environments for all participants. Harassment in any form, including sexual harassment, will not be tolerated. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner.

The Code of Conduct is available here (in English, French and Spanish) and contains detailed information on prohibited conduct, complaint and investigation processes as well as possible consequences in case of misbehavior.

We encourage reporting any incident to at any time.

Further guidelines for participants

Electronic versions of relevant pre-session and in-session documents can be found on the SBSTA and SBI session web pages as well as on the UNFCCC website at

A tweet was sent out when a new in-session document was posted to the website. The Twitter account is called In-session documents; the handle is @UNFCCCDocuments.

Notifications were also be broadcasted at the virtual venue.

Participants could access the detailed schedule of all meetings to which they had access on the basis of their badge type or to which they've invited, including mandated events, from the virtual conference platform.

An overview schedule is available from the main conference page.

No side events took place at this conference.

A range of training and support mechanisms were available throughout the conference, including written and video guides, as well as support via live chat, both from the secretariat website and the conference platform.

Please access the secretariat webpage to find general information on the sessions on the link below:

Please click below access the support guides available for participants:

Interpretation into the six official United Nations languages were available, at the very least, at the plenary meetings.

On the virtual conference platform, meetings were accessible directly from the meeting schedule (each participant could see all meetings they have access to on the basis of their badge type).

Participants could book a virtual meeting room of any size on the platform using the "Self-service Meetings" feature (private meetings are by invitation only; public ones any participant can join).

Representatives of admitted organizations to the UNFCCC process who have been registered for the May–June 2021 Climate Change Conference could follow the informal consultations that were open to observers. There was a limited intervention opportunities for registered observer organizations in the plenary meetings at the start and end of the conference.

In addition, the subsidiary body Chairs and the Presidencies were scheduled to meet with observers during the course of the session. Please consult the overview schedule, as well as the meeting schedule at the virtual conference platform.

Based on the guidance from the Bureau, there were no side events during this session.

See the registration section below and the information on participating on the virtual conference platform access page.

All participants had to be duly accredited through the UNFCCC Online Registration System. In the week of 24 May, confirmed participants received an invitation to access the virtual conference platform. Once on the virtual conference platform, participants were advised to make themselves familiar with the platform in terms of the schedule of meetings and platform functionalities, as well as the Code of Conduct and terms of use. Tutorials were provided for the various functionalities.

Access to meetings was provided according to the assigned registration type and/or meeting invitations.

Multiple registration were not permitted (e.g. a participant may not be registered simultaneously as a nominee of a Party and of an observer organization, or simultaneously as a nominee of a Party and a press/media representative).

Delegates were advised to contact their focal point regarding registration changes or queries so they could liaise with the Registration team via the communication log of the UNFCCC Online Registration System. Press representative can write to the contact person (see below).

Registration for representatives from observer IGOs and NGOs was closed on 28 May 2021, midnight CEST.

Registration for representatives from Parties and observer States were open until the end of the conference.

Press registration was open to accredited press representatives upon presentation of a valid press card and identification document (e.g. passport). Registered press had access to all public meetings and sessions unless otherwise indicated.

Registration contact person for Parties, observer States and observer organizations:
Eva Kulage,

Registration contact person for press:
Carrie Assheuer,

See the information on system requirements on the virtual conference platform access page.
