Workshop on Gender and Climate Change - May 2018

2 May (10:00–19:00) and 9 May (11:00–14:00) 2018

Background: COP 22, in decision 21/CP.22 on gender and climate change, as part of its decision to continue and enhance the Lima work programme on gender, decided to hold annual in-session workshops in conjunction with the first sessional periods of the subsidiary bodies in 2018 and 2019. COP 23, in decision 3/CP.23 decided that the topic for the 2018 in-session workshop on gender and climate change would be based on the submission request under priority area E.1 of the gender action plan. Priority area E focuses on monitoring and reporting, with an emphasis on sex-disaggregated data and gender analysis.

  • Part I: Including sex-disaggregated and gender analysis, examine the differentiated impacts of climate change on women and men, with special attention paid to local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as the integration of gender considerations into climate adaptation, mitigation, capacity-building, Action for Climate Empowerment, technology and finance policies, plans and actions.
  • Part II: Policies, plans and progress in enhancing gender balance in national delegations


  • To raise awareness on the differentiated impacts of climate change, including how to identify such differences and address them in policy and action design and implementation;
  • To build the capacity of participants to understand the tools and mechanisms that facilitate the design and implementation of gender-responsive climate policy and action;
  • To raise awareness on possible options for enhancing gender balance in national climate delegations;
  • To provide an opportunity for Party delegates and observers to brainstorm on possible options.

A summary report for each part of the workshop that captures challenges and good practices related to the topics, has been prepared and published as an INF document.

Part I – Differentiated impacts of climate change and gender-responsive climate policy and action.
Provisional Programme and Annotations

Ms. Lorena Aguilar, IUCN: Efforts to Enhance Gender Statistics and Indicators in the Context of Agenda 2030

Markus Ihalainen - CIFOR: Informing gender-responsive climate policy and action

Ms. Verona Collantes, UN Women: Turning promises into action: gender equality in the 2030 Agender for Sustainable Development

Ms Liva Kaugure, FAO: Role of sex-disaggregated data in identifying differentiated impacts and informing policy and actions

Ms. Pavlina Zdraveva, UNDP Macedonia: Gender anlaysis in climate policy and planning

Mr. Elias Abourizk, Canada: Gender budgeting in climate policy

Ms. Gotelind Alber, Gender CC: Gender Impact Assessment and the Gender Assessment and Monitoring of Mitigation and Adaptation (GAMMA) method: experiences from India, Indonesia, South Africa and Germany

Mr. Antwi-Boasiako Amoah, Ghana: Coordination for gender-responsive NDCs

Part II – Policies, plans and progress in enhancing gender balance in national delegations

Ms. Fleur Newman, UN Climate Change Secretariat: Technical paper on achieving gender balance

Ms. Verona Collantes-Lebale, UN Women: Updated statistics from United Nations Governing Body Secretariat 

Ms. Mariana Duarte Mutzenburg, International Parliamentary Union: IPU strategies to advance gender equality in governance and delegations: milestones and lessons learned
