June 2013 Conference Updates

ADP updates

ADP update Wednesday 12 June

ADP informal plenary

The meeting started with specific briefings on the 2013-2015 Review and on the Forum on Response Measures, provided by the SBSTA Chair, Richard Muyungi, and by one of the Co-facilitators of the expert structured dialogue, Andreas Fischlin. Parties then shared reflections on progress made and areas requiring further work under the two ADP workstreams.

On workstream 1, Parties commented that a new agreement should be applicable to all, should be based on science and equity and with sensitivity to national circumstances, and that mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation should be integral to the new agreement. Another area of comment included the need for an international, common rules-based system, as well as a further consultative process or review of commitments.

Among the areas identified as requiring further work were: the timing of the initial pledges/commitments; the framing, role and concrete elements of adaptation in the new agreement; and linkages between existing institutions and the new agreement.

Further points raised were that progress on workstream 2 should be a precondition to advancing on the 2015 agreement, and that existing mechanisms like the Green Climate Fund need to be operationalized with urgency to ensure enhanced action and success in Warsaw.

On workstream 2, areas of comment by Parties included: recognition of the interlinkage between workstreams 1 and 2, with workstream 2 being key to building the trust necessary in workstream 1; and recognition of the equal importance of, and need for balance between mitigation and adaptation.

Areas seen as requiring further work include: addressing barriers to enhanced action and ambition; securing financing for enhanced action; and a possible high-level ministerial event or round table to be held during COP 19 in Warsaw in November.
View webcast part 1
View webcast part 2

ADP Co-Chairs' fifth informal meeting

At the ADP's fifth informal meeting on organizing the future work of the group, the Co-Chairs tabled a revised textual proposal based on the comments and suggestions provided by Parties at the previous meeting. One area commented on by Parties was the balance of approaches between the technical papers on mitigation and adaptation. Another area of comment was assurance that movement to a more focused and formal mode of work would not preclude continuing work in round tables and workshops in parallel. A final informal ADP meeting will be held and a document will be produced at the closing plenary on 13 June.

ADP update Tuesday 11 June

ADP Co-Chairs' informal meeting

At the fourth informal meeting of the ADP on organizing the future work of the group, the ADP Co-Chairs tabled a textual proposal based on the bullets shown to Parties at the previous meeting and their comments on those bullets. There was basic agreement on the following points: convening at least one more session in addition to those scheduled in conjunction with the SBI, SBSTA, COP and CMP sessions this year at COP 19 in Warsaw; amending the proposed submission dates for the technical papers; and the provision of a Co-Chairs'note on progress following the June ADP 2 session. The Co-Chairs will revise their paper on the basis of the comments received and will present a final version at a concluding informal ADP meeting this week.
Upcoming ADP meetings at the Bonn session

ADP update Monday 10 June

Workstream 2 round table on building a practical approach to pre-2020 ambition
Discussions at this round table on building a practical approach to pre-2020 ambition continued on the issue of enhancing finance, technology and capacity building support for developing countries.

On the provision of support, points raised included: the importance of full and urgent capitalization and operationalization of the Green Climate Fund; the MRV of support; implementation of the work programme on long-term finance; the issue of balance between mitigation and adaptation action and financing; the application of the principles of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR/RC) to all actions under the Convention; and the option of more targeted and results-oriented discussions to secure additional and more ambitious efforts to reduce emissions by 2020.

Workstream 1 round table on linkages
At a round table on linkages held under the ADP workstream 1, Parties gave their views on how a 2015 climate agreement can link to existing institutions and arrangements under the Convention framework, many of which are still new and evolving. The link to science and the IPCC was highlighted, as well as the link between the two ADP workstreams. The need to better link to what is happening outside the UNFCCC was also articulated.

ADP Co-Chairs' informal meetings
The ADP Co-Chairs held two further informal meetings on 10 June with regard to organizing the future work of the ADP. The following points emerged: the desire for more formal work without precluding round tables and workshops; the need for a decision on additional meetings to be made at the latest in Warsaw; the task of preparing a report to cover both parts of the second session; and the degree of support to formally suspend the present ADP session so that it can be resumed in Warsaw in November.


ADP update Saturday 8 June

ADP Co-Chairs' special event with observers
At this special event, the ADP Co-Chairs, Mr. Jayant Moreshver Mauskar of India and Mr. Harald Dovland of Norway, provided observers with an opportunity to present concrete ideas and proposals on how non-State actors can further contribute to collective action on climate change, and how such action could be enhanced and promoted. Observers not physically present in the room were invited to participate virtually via live webcast and Twitter.

UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Christiana Figueres, stressed to observers that the special event was a strategic moment for non-State actors to provide valuable inputs into the negotiations towards a 2015 agreement and into raising immediate climate ambition.

ADP workstream 1 round tables on variety of enhanced actions, parts 3 and 4
The focus at the round table part 3 on the theme of enhanced actions was on managing ambition in accordance with science and equity, with Parties emphasizing the importance of the principles of fairness, equity and science in framing the 2015 agreement. Ideas were put forward on possible means of calculating the level of ambition, and constructive proposals were made for possible tasks and timelines for the process until 2015.

At the round table part 4, the importance of providing means of implementation in an integrated manner (and MRV of support) was highlighted, especially through already established institutions, for example GCF/CTCN/TEC. Issues raised included the need for further clarity on financial commitments, as well as leveraging private finance through the public sector, and the importance of enabling environments to attract investments.

Workstream 2 round table on building a practical approach to increasing pre-2020 ambition
This round table took forward the debate on closing the gap between what is required to keep the world below a maximum two degrees Celsius temperature rise and current pledges. Governments also examined means of enhancing climate finance, technology and capacity-building to enable developing countries to adapt to climate change and green their economies.

During the discussion, Parties examined key elements for a shift in investment patterns, including: reducing investment risk for investors; public-private partnerships; a long-term legally binding agreement; and strong domestic institutions in recipient countries.

ADP update Friday 7 June

Workshop on pre-2020 ambition: Energy
Parties convened at a workshop on energy transformation, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and the consideration of carbon capture and storage (CCS). It was the third workshop in workstream 2 that focuses on increasing pre-2020 ambition.

Short presentations were given by Sustainable Energy for All, the International Energy Agency and the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum. These were followed by Q&As and interventions by Parties.

There were views among Parties that renewable energy and energy efficiency will not be enough and that all options should be explored, including CCS, for which large demonstration projects and platforms are needed. Parties also highlighted the importance of, and barriers to: the provision of financial support; technology transfer; and stable policy frameworks.

ADP informal meeting
The ADP Co-Chairs held an informal meeting to discuss general ADP matters. The meeting set out to discuss work leading up to COP 19 in Warsaw and to confirm the schedule for the remainder of the Bonn session.

ADP update Thursday 6 June

Round table on workstream 1: Variety of actions
The workstream 1 round table discussions on variety of enhanced actions continued on Thursday, with a focus on transparency and accountability. Parties explored related proposals and ideas, including that of a possible process to assess and adjust enhanced actions.

Briefing for Parties
At the invitation of the ADP Co-Chairs, a briefing for Parties took place 6 June, given by Co-Chairs of nine institutions under the Convention relevant to the provision of means of implementation. The purpose of this event was to inform Parties on the ongoing work and progress of each institution in providing implementation under the Convention, so that governments can avoid any duplicate discussion under the ADP. The briefing was well received by Parties.

The nine participating institutions were: Standing Committee on Finance; Green Climate Fund; Global Environment Facility; Work Programme on Long-term Finance; Technology Executive Committee; Climate Technology Centre and Network; Adaptation Fund Board; Consultative Group of Experts and the Durban Forum on Capacity-building.

Workshop on enhancing adaptation through the 2015 agreement
Also on 6 June, a workshop on enhancing adaptation through the 2015 agreement was held. The focus was on how to enhance adaptation through the 2015 agreement in a way that achieves balance between adaptation and mitigation, including through strengthening existing institutions, arrangements and support. Parties agreed that adaptation should be an integral part of a new agreement.

ADP update Wednesday 5 June


ADP workstream 2 round table on increasing mitigation ambition
On 5 June, the ADP workstream 2 convened a two-part round table on building a practical and results-oriented approach to increasing pre-2020 ambition. The basis of the discussion was a well-received presentation by Dr. Joseph Alcamo on the 2012 UNEP Emissions Gap report, which was followed by interventions from specific Parties and a general discussion.

Prof. Alcamo noted that mitigation potential existed to reduce emissions by 17 Gt per year in 2020 - enough to close the 2020 gap by 8-13 Gt. He also noted that the world cannot wait until 2020 to begin stringent emissions reductions.

Round table under workstream 1 on variety of enhanced actions, part 2  
During the second part of the round table under ADP workstream 1 - focusing on transparency and accountability - specific views were elaborated on how transparency and accountability should be reflected in the 2015 agreement. The need for internationally agreed rules to ensure transparency of enhanced actions/commitments up front was expressed in almost all interventions, with many Parties elaborating on what the ex-ante and ex-post transparency would entail.

ADP update Tuesday 4 June

The ADP re-opened its work at ADP 2.2 in Bonn at the plenary held on Tuesday morning, with the proposed organization of work unanimously accepted. A number of Parties gave their general ideas on future work and on capturing progress.

Work continued in the afternoon round table on workstream 1, which focused on the process for securing a variety of enhanced actions - with respect to mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology and capacity- building support - including commitments in the 2015 agreement, based on international rules.

Parties had a focused discussion on top-down and bottom-up approaches. A majority of Parties considered and suggested ways to combine them, although a number of Parties warned against bottom-up approaches, highlighting the need for strong top-down elements such as goals and rules.

Ideas were exchanged on types of commitments, and the issue of a possible step-wise approach to defining contributions was brought up by many Parties. There was general interest in exploring what the process would look like and what the timelines for action would be.

SB highlights

SB highlights Tuesday 11 June

Uplifting new publication showcases youth action on climate change
The United Nations Joint Framework Initiative on Children, Youth and Climate Change launched an exciting new publication that highlights the work young people are doing to put the world on a more sustainable path during a side event on 11 June.

The publication, Youth in action on climate change: inspirations from around the world, aims to encourage governments and the international community to scale up efforts on climate change and to raise ambition toward a post-2020 climate change regime. The publication has been designed as a tool and as a source of inspiration for developing and carrying out initiatives to increase awareness of climate change, promote sustainable lifestyles and advance low-carbon development.

1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention (continued)
The second part of the 1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention focused on climate change training, as well as opportunities for enhancing international cooperation on climate change education and training. The SBI Chair reminded participants of the crucial role the implementation of Article 6 plays in laying the ground for an ambitious international climate change agreement.

SB highlights Monday 10 June

1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention
Part one of the 1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention focused on climate change education, training and international cooperation on these matters. The Dialogue, which will be an annual event, provides a platform for Parties, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to exchange knowledge and experiences. Among the Issues raised were: education for adaptation; the need to move beyond education towards sustainable lifestyles; and how to measure results of climate change education.

Workshop on results-based finance for implementation of REDD+
A workshop held during the Bonn session examined the issue of coordination of support for actions taken by developing countries to reduce emissions related to the forest sector, known as REDD+ activities.

SB highlights Saturday 8 June

Workshop on the review of CDM modalities and procedures
Participants at a two-day workshop discussed opportunities to build on the achievements of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), while adjusting to the opportunities and challenges arising from the evolving international climate regime.

SB highlights Friday 7 June

REDD+ workshop
Participants at the workshop - which was a joint SBSTA/SBI event - looked at ways to improve the coordination of financial and technological support for REDD+ activities, such as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; sustainable management of forests; and conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.

Response measures in-forum expert meeting
7 June 2013
Following two workshops earlier in the Bonn session, the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures held an expert meeting focusing on economic modelling and socio-economic trends.

SB highlights Thursday 6 June


Event on quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets by developed country Parties
Participants at the event continued work on the clarification of quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets by developed country Parties, with a specific view to identifying common elements for measuring progress towards reaching these targets and ensuring comparability of efforts among developed country Parties.

Second meeting of the Durban Forum on capacity-building, continued
A number of issues were covered during part 2 of the second meeting of the Durban Forum. These included: capacity building for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol; capacity-building elements in work plans of the bodies established under the Convention and its Protocol; and enhanced delivery of capacity-building to promote concrete and effective adaptation and mitigation actions at the national level.

SB highlights Wednesday 5 June


In-session workshop under the structured expert dialogue of the 2013-2015 review
The workshop, held in the context of the 2013-2015 review, aimed at increasing the understanding of existing scientific knowledge and how it can be used to address the two themes of the review: the adequacy of the long-term global goal (LTGG) in the light of the ultimate objective of the Convention; and overall progress made towards achieving the LTGG. External participants could follow the workshop via live webcast and were invited to send in questions and comments via Twitter. This resulted in hundreds of messages being tweeted.

Response measures in-forum workshop - continued
The workshop on response measures continued in Bonn on Wednesday, 5 June, with Parties addressing the issue of a just transition of the workforce, and the creation of quality jobs.

SB highlights Tuesday 4 June

SBSTA 38 research dialogue
A dialogue on developments in research activities relevant to the needs of the Convention focused on developments in global climate information, emerging scientific findings, as well as developments in research-related capacity-building,
View webcast

Response measures in-forum workshop
A workshop on response measures - to be continued on 5 June - was held on the second day of SB 38 in Bonn, with governments continuing their work on avoiding negative consequences of climate action.

Second meeting of the Durban Forum on capacity-building
At part 1 of the second meeting of the Durban Forum, representatives of Parties, intergovernmental and non‐governmental organizations and the private sector alternated in presenting programmes and initiatives aimed at scaling up the delivery of capacity- building for adaptation and mitigation, as well as integrating gender perspectives in climate change policies at the national level.

Presentations highlighted issues concerning capacity‐building for long‐term planning of adaptation or mitigation actions, barriers encountered and overcome in the delivery of capacity‐building, and the role and engagement of stakeholders. Among the issues addressed during a lively question time were: tools and methodologies to monitor and review the effectiveness of capacity‐building; the provision of financial support; and the importance of upgrading the understanding of climate change impacts at all level of society. The second part of the Durban Forum will take place tomorrow, 6 June, in the afternoon.
More on the Durban Forum
