Special event
UN Alliance Side Event on Non-Formal Climate Change Education
04 Dec 2015
Paris, France
Le Bourget, Blue Zone, Hall 4, Room 4
Special event
UN Alliance Side Event on Non-Formal Climate Change Education
04 Dec 2015
Paris, France
Le Bourget, Blue Zone, Hall 4, Room 4

UN Alliance Side Event on Non-Formal Climate Change Education

"A call to action to support today’s young generation in developing their knowledge and skills"
4 December 2015, 18:30 - 20:00, Le Bourget, Blue Zone, Hall 4, Room 4



As part of the Education Day at COP 21 / CMP 11, the UN Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness hosted a side event on non-formal climate change education. The side event showcased the key role of non-formal education and highlighted alternative approaches in educating such as music, social media and video games etc. Non-formal climate change education holds a great potential in reaching out to different communities, enhancing climate action and raise awareness. A major shift in societies across the globe is required to transition to low emission, climate resilient development. Much will depend on what is done in the next 15-35 years. Therefore, the generation born this century will play a crucial role: this young generation needs to make the transition to a low carbon climate resilient (“green”) lifestyle a reality. As such, they need all the support to develop the necessary skills and tools to become the agents of change, leading climate solutions. Thus, significant up scaling of investments in awareness-raising, training and education on climate change is essential. Innovative and large scale actions and commitments from policy makers, businesses and the public are required. Education is crucial as it promotes changes in lifestyles, attitudes and behavior needed to foster sustainable development and to address climate change. 

Speakers:  The event provided a platform for speakers from a wide range of expertise, including Governments, NGO's, representatives of UN agencies, relevant practitioners and experts as well as other stakeholders and the private sector.

Participation: The UN Alliance side event was open to participation by Parties, representatives of relevant bodies established under the Convention and relevant experts, practitioners, other stakeholders as well as the private sector and the media accredited at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference COP 21 / CMP 11.

Venue: Le Bourget, Blue Zone, Hall 4, Room 4

 pdf-icon Image (529 kB)

 Also available pdf-icon here (581 kB) .


Key Information
pdf-icon Lima Ministerial Declaration on Education and Awareness Raising

pdf-icon Doha Work Programme on Article 6 of the Convention

More information about the UN Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness

The United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education aims at promoting meaningful, result-oriented and effective international cooperation in support of the action on climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation and access to information. More >>