Call for input 2023 - Stakeholder interactions: Sustainable development tool


The Supervisory Body is developing the following regulatory document to operationalize the Article 6.4 mechanism:

The Supervisory Body, at its eighth meeting, requested the secretariat to launch a call for public input on the draft version of this document (refer to the SB 008 meeting report, paragraph 19).

Open Call 

The call for public inputs is open for a four-week period from 3 November to 1 December 2023.

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments on any section of the draft document.

Submission Details  

Please submit your input to the Supervisory Body via email at using the follow form: 

In the email subject line, please use: Stakeholder consultation – SD tool.


The call is now closed. Please contact the secretariat at for any queries.
The received inputs will be made publicly available in the table below and will be considered by the Supervisory Body.

Date Submission
1 December 2023 The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market
1 December 2023 Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy - input 1 and input 2
1 December 2023 Bureau Veritas India Pvt. Ltd.
1 December 2023 International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC)
1 December 2023 Conservation International
1 December 2023 Carbon Recycling Input and Letter
1 December 2023 Individual - expert project reviewer
1 December 2023 Women and Gender Constituency
30 November 2023 Sustainable Development Initiative
30 November 2023 Finnwatch
27 November 2023 Ministry of Environment of Panama

