Work programme of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group for 2022–2023

The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) is mandated to develop a two-year rolling programme of work for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at its first sessional meeting of each year, and to report on its work to the SBI at each of its session (see decision 6/CP.16, paragraph 3). Below is the LEG work programme for 2022-2023. A printer friendly version is available here

(i) Continue to support the LDCs in formulating their first NAP in 2022–2023 through the Open NAP initiative and direct interaction with country teams and relevant organizations

(ii) Make data, information, tools and models available through the NAP data initiative to support the LDCs in addressing data gaps in their risk and vulnerability assessment, and monitoring and evaluation, in the context of NAPs, with links to related, in particular WMO, products

(iii) Continue to advise the LDCs, including through the review of draft NAPs, on ensuring that the information contained in NAPs is relevant to their purpose, such as the information needed for submitting project and programme proposals to the GCF and related funding sources, demonstrates how the guiding principles of adaptation are being addressed and contributes to meeting adaptation reporting requirements under the Convention and the Paris Agreement

(i) Support the LDCs in implementing NAPs, including as part of GCF country programmes

(ii) Continue to conduct NAP writing workshops for the LDCs in 2022–2023 (at least four regional workshops, with follow-up activities) to facilitate development of project concepts and proposals for accessing funding from the AF, the GCF, the LDCF and other sources for implementing NAPs, in collaboration with accredited entities and delivery partners

(iii) Compile and synthesize information from NAPs, particularly adaptation priorities and project ideas by country, and share it via NAP Central and other channels to facilitate information-sharing with potential providers of support

(i) Engage organizations in supporting the LDCs in setting up effective national processes to support the iterative and ongoing formulation, implementation, review and update of NAPs, including through the Open NAP initiative and meetings of the NAP technical working group

(ii) Produce outreach materials on good practices for addressing the objectives of reducing vulnerability to climate change and integrating NAPs into national development plans

(iii) Support the LDCs in following the guiding principles of the process to formulate and implement NAPs through modalities such as regional workshops, outreach events and guidance materials, as necessary

(iv) Provide technical advice to the LDCs, such as through the review of draft NAPs, on how to effectively align their NAPs with the global goal on adaptation

(v) Update the PEG M&E tool for use by countries to assess outcomes and impacts of adaptation efforts in the context of NAPs and to promote good practices embodied in the metrics used in the tool, based on the best available science and tools

(i) Compile information from organizations and the LDCs on how the supplements to the NAP technical guidelines are being used to promote good practices and facilitate development of additional supplements

(ii) Engage regional centres and networks to facilitate application of regional approaches to adaptation planning in the LDCs

(iii) Engage organizations in order to enhance provision of technical support in areas critical to advancing the formulation and implementation of NAPs as identified in the work on capacity gaps and needs being undertaken in collaboration with the AC, including by establishing thematic subgroups, as appropriate

(iv) Creating a small number of subgroups of the NAP technical working group on themes from among, inter alia, data and climate change scenarios; consideration of vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems; gender (with other constituted bodies); project proposal development; NAP implementation; NAP technical guidelines (supplement on risk-based approaches); tracking progress on NAPs, and monitoring and evaluation; engaging the private sector; and the role of youth

(v) Explore ways of creating synergies between climate change adaptation and efforts to recover following the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and apply them, and learn from experience of risk assessment and management

(i) Continue to capture progress and challenges in undertaking the process to formulate and implement NAPs and present results using the NAP tracking tool on NAP Central

(ii) Improve the process for gathering information from organizations on their provision of support to the LDCs with a view to enhancing the tracking of progress in formulating and implementing NAPs

(iii) Continue to apply the PEG M&E tool in assessing progress in the process to formulate and implement NAPs through the annual progress report on NAPs

(iv) Continue to communicate information on NAPs through the series of publications on best practices and lessons learned in addressing adaptation in the LDCs

(i) Support the LDCs and organizations in documenting challenges faced in accessing funding for adaptation from the GCF, for consideration by the SBI, the COP and the CMA

(ii) Continue to collaborate with the GCF and the GEF (LDCF) on activities aimed at addressing LDCs’ difficulties in accessing funding for adaptation, including project proposal writing workshops and outreach events organized by the LEG

(iii) Continue to include information in the regular LEG reports on support provided to the LDCs through the GCF and the GEF (LDCF) and their experience of accessing such funding, and jointly explore proactive solutions to the major challenges

(iv) Support the LDCs in maximizing use of available technical assistance from the GCF, the GEF and organizations for formulating and implementing NAPs

(v) Support the NAP teams in the LDCs in working collaboratively with GCF national designated authorities to maximize use of GCF readiness windows, identify and accredit national direct access entities, and ensure integration of NAP priorities into GCF country programmes

(i) Create and maintain a roster of national and regional experts from the LDCs who can support the formulation and implementation of NAPs, and encourage its use by organizations supporting the LDCs with NAPs as a way of promoting use of LDC expertise

(ii) Continue to design and use training materials on implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement, based on the PA-ALIGN tool, in collaboration with other constituted bodies and relevant organizations

(iii) Continue to engage the LDCs in one-to-one dialogues to help them maintain progress in formulating and implementing NAPs and address any questions or issues

(iv) Hold regular dialogues with the LDC Group to update it on support for the formulation and implementation of NAPs and discuss how to effectively align activities with the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2022–2031 and programmes that the LDC Group may be developing

(v) Support the LDCs in understanding how to access financing, capacity-building and technology transfer for adaptation in accordance with the mandate of the LEG through outreach, including a mapping of available financial support for adaptation

(i) Collaborate with other constituted bodies and programmes (especially the AC, the CGE, the FWG, the NWP, the PCCB, the SCF and the WIM Executive Committee) on activities related to NAPs, the LDC work programme, gender and responding to mandates from the SBI, the COP and the CMA

(ii) Collaborate with the SCF on matters related to the LDCs accessing the Financial Mechanism for funding the process to formulate and implement NAPs

(iii) Collaborate with UNDRR on exploring areas of coherence between adaptation and disaster risk reduction under the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030

(iv) Continue to engage and mobilize regional centres and networks in nominating LEG focal points

(v) Continue to mobilize organizations, and regional centres and networks to enhance their provision of financial and technical assistance and support for the LDCs, and facilitate peer learning and promotion of good practice approaches to activities such as development and application of monitoring and evaluation systems

(i) Organize a global NAP Expo annually and collaborate with organizations on organizing regional NAP Expos

(ii) Develop a communications strategy for promoting the work of the LEG during the year-long series of events marking the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the LEG

(iii) Explore how to facilitate events targeting the LDCs to enable peer learning and partnerships in the formulation and implementation of NAPs

(iv) Continue to develop NAP Central as a repository for NAPs and NAP-related information and knowledge, including frequently asked questions derived from interaction with the LDCs

(v) Showcase case studies of approaches, methodologies and tools used to achieve particular adaptation outputs and outcomes, based on analysis of AF, GCF and LDCF project documents and other sources of information

(vi) Hold side events at each session of the SBI, an event on NAP implementation at SBI 56 and a celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the LEG at COP 27

(vii) Explore how to leverage the regional climate weeks to promote the work of the LEG on NAPs and support for the LDCs
