UN events
Side event - Knowledge exchange on biodiversity and ecosystems for transformative adaptation action
16 Nov. 2022
18:30h - 19:30h
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Resilience hub, COP27
Biodiversity and Ecosystems
UN events
Side event - Knowledge exchange on biodiversity and ecosystems for transformative adaptation action
16 Nov. 2022
18:30h - 19:30h
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Resilience hub, COP27
Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Watch the livestream: https://cop-resilience-hub.org/live-stream/



The Nairobi work programme (NWP), UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, helps to enhance country- and region-specific adaptation actions by identifying and closing knowledge gaps in partnership with subregional partners and networks and thematic expert groups. This supports countries in meeting their adaptation priorities, including formulating, and implementing National Adaptation Plans.

At COP27, a series of NWP events will provide an interactive space that contributes to scaling up adaptation action through knowledge. The NWP events will foster dialogue and knowledge-sharing among Parties, UNFCCC national focal points, NWP thematic expert groups and partners, UNFCCC constituted bodies and UNFCCC observers and stakeholders involved in biodiversity, ocean and coastal zone themes (FCCC/SBSTA/2019/2, para. 18).



  • Enhance country- and region-specific actions by highlighting adaptation knowledge and partnerships across all subregions
  • Provide practical and relevant knowledge on specific adaptation practices with Parties and those responsible for implementing adaptation action at the subnational and national level
  • Strengthen ties among communities of practice in order to enhance adaptation action through knowledge.



As part of the work at COP27 by the NWP and its partners, this event will examine ‘Knowledge exchange on biodiversity and ecosystems for transformative adaptation action,’  hosted by the Resilience Hub. It will build on the previous thematic discussions on biodiversity and ecosystem at the 14th Focal Point Forum, COP26. This knowledge exchange will identify specific adaptation practices that can inform regional efforts. These discussions can also be spotlighted by partners in future Regional Climate Weeks and other dialogue spaces to inspire ongoing work. 





Time (GMT +2)


2 mins Welcome

Moderator: Johanna Nalau, Lead Author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th Assessment Report

5 mins Interlinks with the CBD

Tristan Tyrrell, Programme Officer, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat

10 mins Party knowledge needs for scaling up adaptation action

Ambrosio Yobanolo, TEC Chair and Deputy Director of Planning and Management Control, Chile

Veronica Lo, Senior Policy Advisor, IISD

20 mins

Panel discussion

Beatriz Machado Granziera, NWP Ocean expert group member (The Nature Conservancy)


Chris Magero, NWP Biodiversity expert group (IUCN)

20 mins

Plenary discussion

3 mins

Key closing remarks and next steps

Koko Warner, Manager of the Vulnerability Subdivision