11th Durban Forum on Capacity-building

"Capacity-building for integrating NDC implementation into national sustainable recovery plans"

DF flyer

Date: Wednesday 08 June 2022
Time: 11:00 am - 14:00 pm
Venue: WCCB, Bangkok Room, Bonn, Germany

11th DF


The Durban Forum on capacity-building was established in 2011 under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) to further enhance the monitoring and review of the effectiveness of capacity-building under the Convention. It is an in-session discussion platform for Parties, representatives of the constituted bodies under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol, and relevant experts and practitioners to, on an annual basis and in the context of specific thematic areas, share experience and exchange ideas, best practices and lessons learned in relation to implementing capacity-building activities. 

Aligned with the 2022 PCCB focus area, the 11th Durban Forum on capacity-building tackled the issue of integration between NDC implementation into national sustainable recovery plans: As societies step up efforts to recover from the damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an opportunity to adopt solutions for economic recovery efforts to respond to the climate emergency and facilitate a transition to a greener, more equitable, and sustainable world. To achieve this, NDCs and national development plans are essential tools to promote and support sustainable, green, and resilient recovery and therefore need to be aligned with this theme. Capacity-building is a key enabler for this, as only by strengthening capacity to mobilize funding, improve coordination at the government level, create better data-driven public policies, and assess the impact of climate change on different sectors can developing countries better align and integrate sustainable recovery with their national development plans and strategies. 


The overarching objective of the 11th Durban Forum on capacity-building was to facilitate the sharing of relevant knowledge, experience and lessons learned on capacity-building actions aimed at enhancing the alignment of NDCs and sustainable recovery efforts. 

More specifically the forum aimed to explore and shed light on: 

  • Key capacity gaps and needs that impede the coherent integration of NDCs into sustainable recovery plans; 
  • How to build capacity for increased cross-cutting integration and coordination across different levels of government to promote better implementation of NDCs in line with sustainable recovery strategies; 
  • Lessons learned from capacity-building for reducing data gaps to implement evidence-based public policies in the context of national development plans focused on promoting resilient recovery. 

The outcomes of the forum will also inform related thematic discussions under the PCCB in the context of its 2022 focus area.  


In line with the above objectives, discussions at the forum focused on the subtopics, which are listed below. These subtopics also draw on inputs by Parties, observers and other organizations submitted in response to a PCCB call for submissions on its 2022 focus area.  

  1. Building capacity to develop bankable project proposals to mobilize financial resources from international financing mechanisms for the implementation of NDCs and National Development Plans; 
  2. Building capacity for increased cross-cutting policy making and greater coordination and integration between different levels of government;  
  3. Building capacity to improve evidence-based public policy in sustainable recovery plans by reducing data gaps;  
  4. Building capacity to assess labour market information and anticipate skill needs related to NDC implementation. 

Across the different subtopics, attention was given to capacity-building in the context of a sustainable recovery from the current crisis.

Programme outline

Welcoming and opening remarks

Ms. Marianne Karlsen                                                                        Chair of the SBI

Welcome and Introduction

Ms. Jeniffer Collado                                                                Ms. María del Pilar Bueno                                                                Co-facilitators of the 11th Durban Forum on Capacity-building

Presentation scope:

Building capacity to integrate NDC priorities into national, sectoral, and subnational programs, development plans, and sustainable recovery strategies 

Mr. Romeo Bertolini                                             NDC Partnership 

Discussion scope:

  • What are the key capacity needs and gaps to facilitate coherent NDC implementation and planning in developing countries that are aligned with and support a sustainable recovery? 
  • How can partnerships, consortia, networks, international collaboration, and peer learning help identify best practices for integrating NDCs and sustainable recovery?   
  • Which targeted policy measures need to be taken to address the capacity needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups as part of an inclusive and sustainable transition/recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic? 
  • Q&A


  • Miriam Hinostroza                                           Head of the Global Climate Action Unit, UNEP                 
  • Juan Casado-Asensio                                  Economist and policy analyst, OECD                               
  • Moustapha Gueye                                                 Global coordinator for the Green Jobs Programme, ILO                                                                                                                   
  • Mabel Zúñiga                                                       Climate change analyst, Ministry of Environment of Panama                                                                                               
  • Romeo Bertolini                                                  Deputy Director, NDC Partnership
Breakout group 1  Breakout group 2 Breakout group 3 Breakout group 4
Strengthening capacities for the development of bankable project proposals to mobilize financial resources for implementation of NDCs and NDPs   Building capacity for increased cross-cutting policy making and greater coordination and integration between different levels of government  Building capacity to improve evidence-based public policy by reducing data gaps  Building capacity to assess labour market information and anticipate skill needs related to NDC implementation 
Discussion leader    Miriam Hinostroza     United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Discussion leader        Mabel Zúñiga            Ministry of Environment of Panama Discussion leader        Juan Casado-Asensio  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Discussion leader  Moustapha Gueye International Labour Organization (ILO)

Reports by rapporteurs of breakout groups 1-4

Breakout group 1 Breakout group 2 Breakout group 3 Breakout group 4
Report group 1 Report group 2 Report group 3 Report group 4
  • Co-facilitators and UNFCCC