Updates from the COP President
In fulfilment of his commitment to openness and transparency, H.E. Mr. Alok Sharma, the President of the COP 26/CMP 16/CMA 3, used this space to share with all participants, and the wider climate change community, information on the state of negotiations in general, with a particular emphasis on the status of the informal consultations processes undertaken under the responsibility of the President. 

Update on President’s Consultations
2 November 2021, 12:00

The opening plenaries of COP 26, CMP 16 and CMA 3, on Sunday, 31 October 2021, adopted their agendas and smoothly launched the work of the Conference. In addition, they mandated the President to undertake consultations on a number of important issues and to report back to the plenaries on the results. 

This update provides:
• an overview of the various consultation processes, including who will lead the consultations, and  
• initial insights into the plans for launching work.

Launching work under the various consultation processes
The President is asking each of the designated consulting officials to begin work as expeditiously as possible.  They will be supported by the secretariat and the presidency team.
Depending on the issue, consultations may include bilateral exchanges with groups and Parties and, where appropriate, meetings which bring together Heads of Delegations or other members of delegations from interested Parties.  All such meetings will be announced through the usual channels, namely the Daily Programme, CCTV, notifications to Group Chairs/Coordinators and to National Focal Points.
The President is asking each of the consulting officials to keep him regularly informed on progress in the consultations.  There will also be opportunity for progress reports to be presented in informal stock-taking plenaries, as appropriate, and updates on each consultation process will be posted in this space regularly during the Conference.  Final reports will be provided to the closing plenaries of COP 26, CMP 16 and/or CMA 3 for consideration by the governing bodies. 

Updates from the President
Date Update
8 Nov 2021 Transcript of remarks by the President in the informal stocktaking plenary
4 Nov 2021 Organisation of work in the second week of the Conference


Week 1 COP 26 / CMP 16 / CMA 3 Presidency consultations
Issue Facilitator and secretariat support Date / Time and Meeting Room Update and Document
COP 26 item 2(b)
Rules of Procedure
H.E. Ambassador Ken O’Flaherty (UK)

Gianluca Crispi
6 Nov 2021

The chair will report to the President, noting that there was no consensus on this matter. Accordingly, in accordance with rule 16 of the draft rules of procedure being applied the item will be included on the agenda of the next session of the COP.

COP 26 item 2(d)
Election of Officers other than the President
Mr. Muhammad Irfan Tariq

Nattley Williams 
10 Nov 2021


MR 13

The fourth informal consultations with Chairs and Coordinators of regional groups and constituencies on the nominations for the COP 26 elections and the proposal from Georgia.


COP 26 item 2(g)
Dates and venues of future sessions
H.E. Ambassador Janet Rogan (UK)

Karen Smith
11 Nov 2021

Decision adopted.

Draft COP decision on dates and venues of future sessions

COP 26 item 16(d)
Decision-making in the UNFCCC Process
H.E. Ambassador Ken O’Flaherty (UK)

Gianluca Crispi
6 Nov 2021

The chair concluded that there is consensus to refer this matter to COP 27. Therefore, he will propose to continue consideration of this item at the next session of the COP.

CMP 16 item 11
Report on the high-level ministerial round table on increased ambition of Kyoto Protocol commitments
H.E. Ambassador David Moran (UK)

Conor Barry
10 Nov 2021

The chair will report to the President, noting that there was no consensus on this matter. Accordingly, in accordance with rule 16 of the draft rules of procedure being applied the item will be included on the agenda of the next session of the CMP

Special needs and special circumstances of Africa
H.E. Ambassador John Murton (UK)

Motsomi Maletjane
8 Nov 2021

The facilitator has met with interested Groups and remains available for further bilateral consultations with any Parties or Groups who express interest.

Reporting and review pursuant to Article 13 of the Paris Agreement: provision of financial and capacity-building support to developing countries
Ms. Elinor Wakefield (UK)

Bernd Hackmann 

5 Nov 2021

The Presidency held informal consultations with Parties to provide a space and to facilitate the exchange of views between Parties. 
These consultations were held from 11:15–12:15. Time and room for further consultations will be announced.
The representative of the President remains available for bilateral consultations with any interested Parties or Groups prior to this.
COP 26 item 7 and CMA 3 item 7
Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts
H.E. Ambassador Nick Bridge (UK)

Miwa Kato  mkato@unfccc.int
Nattley Williams  nwilliams@unfccc.int
5 Nov 2021 The facilitator has initiated work and plans to reach out to group Chairs to schedule consultations.
COP 26 item 8(b) and CMA 3 item 8(a)
Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance
Mr. Rob Moore (UK) and Mr. Ciaran Deeney (UK)

Yolando Velasco yvelasco@unfccc.int
2 Nov 2021 Following consultations, the COP and CMA established a joint contact group on ‘Matters relating to the SCF to consider reports of the SCF, ensuring sufficient time is allocated to consider the Needs Determination Report and the Biennial Assessment. The Presidency will continue informal consultations on The Review of Functions of the SCF, and will provide an update to the joint contact group following the conclusion of those consultations.


Other consultations Facilitator and secretariat support Date / Time and Meeting Room Update and Document

Presidency consultations on decision 1/CP.26, 1/CMP.16 and 1/CMA.3

Mr. Archie Young (UK) Ms. Alison Campbell (UK)

Sergey Kononov  skononov@unfccc.int
 Kay Merce  kmerce@unfccc.int

13 Nov 2021

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CP.26

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CMP.16

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CMA.3
