Multilateral assessment at SBI 45
COP Marrakech


The multilateral assessment (MA) is part of the international assessment and review (IAR) for developed country Parties.

The MA of the progress towards achieving the quantified economy-wide emission reduction target for 2020 is undertaken for each developed country Party after the submission and technical review of their biennial reports.

In 2016, the second cycle of IAR started with the submission of the second biennial reports and the technical review of these reports by international expert review teams.

The MA for developed country Parties was convened at SBI 45 in Marrakech (Nov. 2016), where 24 Annex I Parties were multilaterally assessed:

Australia Austria Belgium
Bulgaria Croatia Czechia
Denmark Estonia European Union
Finland Germany Hungary
Italy Latvia Lithuania
Malta Netherlands New Zealand
Norway Poland Slovakia
Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom


Timeline for  the MA session during SBI 45, Marrakech, December 2016:                          


1 to 31 August 2016: submission of questions by any Party to the 24 Parties under MA - using the MA portal;


1 September to 28 October 2016: Preparation of answers by Parties under MA and posting of answers -  using the MA portal;


By 1 November 2016: upload compiled questions and answers by the secretariat onto the individual Party page upon completion of answers by the Party;


12 and 14 Nov. 2016: SBI 45, Marrakech - multilateral assessment of the 24 Parties' progress towards emission reduction target;


February 2017: publication of Party records for the Parties under MA
