Biennial In-session Workshop on Information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement
11 Jun. 2021
15:00h - 17:00h
Virtual event
First virtual location / Virtual
Meeting room 25, Negotiation
Climate Finance, Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)
Biennial In-session Workshop on Information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement
11 Jun. 2021
15:00h - 17:00h
Virtual event
First virtual location / Virtual
Meeting room 25, Negotiation
Climate Finance, Transparency & Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV)


The CMA, by decision 12/CMA.1, recognized the importance of predictability and clarity of information on financial support for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The decision sets out arrangements for provisions of information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement. These include:

          a. Biennial communications as specified in the types of information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement contained in annex to decision 12/CMA.1;

          b. Dedicated online portal (biennial communications in accordance with Article 9.5 of the Paris Agreement submitted to the secretariat can be accessed here);

          c. Compilation and synthesis of the biennial communication to be prepared by the secretariat and for consideration by CMA at its fourth session and the COP;

        d. Biennial in-session workshops to be organized by the secretariat beginning the year after the submission of the first biennial communications as well preparation of a summary report on each workshop;

          e. Biennial high-level ministerial dialogues. 


The first biennial in-session workshop represents an opportunity to:

          a. Share views on information included in the first biennial communications and compilation and synthesis;

        b. Discuss potential improvements of the overall state of predictability and clarity of available information based on the lessons learnt from the first biennial communications.

The deliberations during the in-session workshop will be reflected in the summary report of the first-session workshop in accordance with decision 12/CMA.1, paragraph 18.

Public webcast

 15:00 – 15:15

 Opening session

 Opening remarks

  •  Ms. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC secretariat
  •  Ms. Lorena Palomo Parada, COP 25 Presidency, Adviser for Trade Policy and Sustainable  Development, Ministry of Finance of Chile

 Introductory remarks by the co-facilitators

  • Mr. Andres Mogro, Ecuador, and Ms. Gabriela Blatter, Switzerland

 15:15– 15:45

 Scene-setting presentations

 The scene-setting presentations will provide overview of available information on predictability and clarity of information on financial support for the implementation of the Paris Agreement


 Presentation from the UNFCCC Secretariat on the main information elements of the synthesis paper

 Developed country presentation on his/her experience with the preparation of the first biennial communications in accordance with Article 9.5, of the Paris Agreement

  • Ms. Gertraud Wollansky, Austria and European Union 

 Developing country representative presentation on his/her experience with the use of information from first biennial communications in accordance with Article 9.5, of the Paris Agreement

  • Mr. Abhishek Acharya, India

 15:45 – 16:50

 Open discussions

 The co-facilitators will engage with the discussants exchange of views guided by the following questions:

  1. What insights can be drawn from the information included in the first biennial communications?  
  2. How are these biennial communications an improvement over the previous submissions on strategies and approaches for scaling up climate finance? How can they improve further?
  3. What are some of the lessons learned from this first round of biennial communications that could be taken into consideration for subsequent rounds?
  4. How can the biennial communications improve the overall state of predictability and clarity of information on financial support for the implementation of the Paris Agreement?

 16:50 – 17:00

 Wrap-up and closure by the co-facilitators

  • Mr. Andres Mogro, Ecuador, and Ms. Gabriela Blatter, Switzerland 

 Closing Remarks

  •  Mr. Robert Moore, COP 26 Presidency, Head of Finance, Technology and Capacity-Building