All Hands on Deck for the Doha Amendment
3 Septiembre 2020
Declaración de ONU Cambio Climático
Doha Amendement

The UN’s top climate change official Patricia Espinosa is calling on those governments who have not yet done so to ratify the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol so that it can enter into force.

The Doha Amendment established a second emission reduction commitment period for 37 countries that runs from 2013 to 2020. The Kyoto Protocol, which took effect in 2005, sets binding emission reduction targets for developed countries and economies in transition. Its first commitment period ran from 2008-2012 and set an average reduction target of 5% compared to 1990 levels.

During this time, the emissions of the 37 developed countries and economies in transition that had reduction targets declined by more than 22% compared to 1990, far exceeding the initial target of 5% compared to 1990.

According to UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, the entry into force of the Doha Amendment would be an important signal of multilateral commitment, and contribute to overall efforts to address the climate emergency.  

For entry into force of the Amendment to be triggered in 2020, 144 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol must deposit their instrument of acceptance with the Depository. To date, 140 countries have ratified the amendment, so that only four more ratifications are needed for it to enter into force.

“For those who have already ratified, I thank you, but I call on you to reach out to those who have yet to ratify. We need all hands on deck to bring this home,” she said.

See the full video address by Patricia Espinosa here: