Detailed rolling work programme of the LEG for 2019–2020

The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) is mandated to develop a two-year rolling programme of work for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at its first sessional meeting of each year, and to report on its work to the SBI at each of its session (see decision 6/CP.16, paragraph 3). Below is the detailed LEG work programme for 2019–2020. A printer friendly version is available here


Modality Work area Main activities and outputs Expected results
Direct country support: Continue to provide technical guidance and support to the LDCs in the formulation and implementation of NAPs and other related adaptation efforts under the Convention and the Paris Agreement through training, Open NAPs, documentation of national adaptation efforts and other relevant modalities
Direct country support: training Helping countries make progress on their NAPs through technical training Conduct at least two training workshops based on the specific needs of the LDCs in order to advance progress on NAPs in line with the vision of the LEG Enhanced progress towards the formulation of NAPs by all the LDCs by 2020
Direct country support: training Helping countries make progress on their NAPs through technical training Further develop training materials and methodologies on accessing funding from the GCF for NAPs, with input from partners including the GCF secretariat and GCF implementing entities, for use in the NAP training workshops Training and outreach materials that address the specific needs of the LDCs
Direct country support: training Helping the LDCs to effectively address the Paris Agreement Conduct training activities in the second half of 2019 on ways the LDCs can effectively and efficiently navigate and address the many elements of the Paris Agreement The LDCs efficiently address the Paris Agreement
Direct country support: Open NAPs Helping countries make progress on adaptation, in particular NAPs Prepare by June 2019 a policy brief on ways countries can benefit from and interested partners can fully participate in Open NAPs Increased interest and engagement by countries and partners in the Open NAPs
Direct country support: Open NAPs Helping countries make progress on adaptation, in particular NAPs Expand Open NAPs to interested countries and partners and apply them to other areas of the work of the LEG Open NAPs that support the production of high-quality NAPs in participating countries
Direct country support: Open NAPs Helping countries make progress on adaptation, in particular NAPs Extend the Open NAP case studies to the regional level with interested partners to demonstrate regional approaches to adaptation planning to learn how guidance on NAPs can be effective across scales Improved understanding and application of methods to address regional and transboundary issues related to NAPs
Direct country support: technical materials Helping countries make progress on their NAPs through technical training Continue to provide guidance on how guiding principles on adaptation, in particular gender responsiveness, are considered in NAPs by updating relevant technical materials Enhanced consideration of gender and vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems in NAPs
Direct country support: publications on national adaptation results and efforts Facilitating the publication by developing countries of NAP results Organize a writing workshop for NAP teams during the NAP Expos to prepare peer-reviewed publications on their NAP outcomes, experiences and lessons learned, including from dealing with climate shocks Enhanced accessibility to information on NAPs to support recognition of efforts and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment reporting
NAP technical working group: Mobilize and collaborate with relevant organizations, regional centres and networks on technical guidance and support for NAPs
NAP technical working group Enhancing technical guidance on NAPs Mobilize and collaborate with relevant organizations in producing supplements to the NAP technical guidelines, with at least four supplements to the NAP technical guidelines finalized during this period (2019–2020) Enhanced technical guidance on NAPs is available to countries
NAP technical working group Enhancing technical guidance on NAPs Further develop methodologies for achieving coherence between climate change adaptation and the SDGs, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 and other relevant frameworks through an integration supplement to the NAP technical guidelines Coherent treatment of adaptation, SDGs and the Sendai Framework at the country level
NAP technical working group Enhancing technical guidance on NAPs Support the LEG in carrying out technical guidance activities and events (such as Open NAPs, NAP Expos, NAP training and NAP Central) High-quality support provided by the LEG, building on the wide expertise of the working group partners
NAP Expos: Hold NAP Expos to promote the exchange of experience and foster partnerships between a wide range of actors and stakeholders in advancing NAPs
NAP Expos Advancing NAPs through global NAP Expos Organize annually the global NAP Expo as the flagship event to advance the formulation and implementation of NAPs Greatly enhanced progress on NAPs and adaptation ambition
NAP Expos Advancing NAPs through regional NAP Expos Mobilize relevant organizations to host regional NAP Expos annually Greatly enhanced progress on NAPs and adaptation ambition
NAP Central: Enhance NAP Central as a tool to support the NAPs, the LDCs and the work of the LEG
NAP Central Further developing and enhancing NAP Central Continue to develop and maintain NAP Central and add functions to support the current work of the LEG and on NAPs Improved exchange and delivery of information on NAPs
Technical guidance and support: Prepare and apply technical guidance in support of the LDCs; engage and exchange information with the GCF secretariat, the GEF secretariat, the Adaptation Fund secretariat, bilateral agencies and other relevant organizations
Technical advice and outreach Providing advice to the LDCs in accessing funding from the GCF, the LDCF and the Adaptation Fund for the successful formulation and implementation of NAPs Continue to engage the GCF secretariat, the GEF secretariat and the Adaptation Fund secretariat in LEG meetings, NAP Expos, regional training workshops and related events to address issues relating to the access of LDCs to funding for NAPs Increased awareness of and capacity to access funding from the GCF among the LDCs
Technical advice and outreach Providing advice to the LDCs in accessing funding from the GCF, the LDCF and the Adaptation Fund for the successful formulation and implementation of NAPs Continue to share information with the GCF secretariat on the experience of the LDCs and the challenges they face, and on ways to expedite the provision of support to the LDCs and other developing countries to formulate and implement NAPs Enhanced support to the LDCs as challenges they face are addressed
Technical advice and outreach Providing effective advice to the LDCs in accessing support for the successful formulation and implementation of NAPs and implementation of the LDC work programme Share information with bilateral agencies and other relevant organizations on the LDC work programme, the experience of the LDCs and the challenges they face in accessing support for NAPs Enhanced support to the LDCs as challenges they face are addressed
Technical advice and outreach Promoting LEG interaction with the LDCs and other Parties and relevant organizations, and enhancing outreach on the support offered by the LEG Consider hosting a pavilion during the COP to promote outreach on available support to the LDCs Improved awareness of and outreach on the needs of the LDCs and the support available to them
Technical guidance and support Providing technical guidance and support for the LDC work programme Provide ongoing support to the LDCs and the SBI on the implementation of the LDC work programme and report regularly to the SBI Implementation of the LDC work programme is effectively supported and monitored
Technical advice and outreach Promoting LEG interaction with the LDCs, other Parties and relevant organizations, and enhancing outreach on the support offered by the LEG Organize LEG side events at the sessions of the subsidiary bodies on the work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation Increased outreach on the work of the LEG and the support offered to the LDCs
Technical guidelines and papers Advancing NAPs through technical guidelines and support Prepare technical and policy papers, including on vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems; regional approaches to adaptation; linkages between NAPs and NDCs; case studies and other policy briefs Enhanced technical support on NAPS
CMA/COP/SBI support: Continue to respond to mandates aimed at informing or facilitating the intergovernmental process under the Convention and the Paris Agreement
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the SBI assessment of progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs Continue to prepare an annual progress report on NAPs to support the assessments by at SBI 51 and 53 The SBI is well informed about progress on NAPs and matters arising
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the SBI assessment of progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs Continue to provide channels for Parties to provide information on progress on NAPs (decision 8/CP.24, para. 23) and summarize the results in country profiles on NAP Central Up-to-date information on progress on NAPs is readily available
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the work of the SBI under Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Convention (LDC matters) Consider how the needs of the LDCs related to adaptation arising from the Paris Agreement and COP 21 decisions can be addressed, including by identifying which of the needs are being addressed by ongoing and planned activities of the LEG Summary of the gaps and needs for NAPs and details on the role of the LEG in addressing them is included in the LEG 35 and 36 reports
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the SBI consideration of the implementation of NAPs Prepare recommendations on the implementation of NAPs for consideration by SBI 51, including recommendations gathered after consulting with Parties, in order to identify the needs and challenges related to implementing policies, projects and programmes identified in the NAPs The SBI is effectively supported in its work on NAPs
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the work of the SBI on reviewing the progress, need for continuation and terms of reference of the LEG Convene a meeting with representatives of Parties and relevant organizations, to take stock of the work of the LEG in early 2020 and report to SBI 52 (June 2020) The SBI effectively supported in its work in supporting the LDCs and NAPs
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the work of the CMA to recognize the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties Guide the secretariat in preparing a synthesis report on specific adaptation themes for CMA 3 (November 2020), focusing on relevant lessons learned and good practices in developing country Parties, in collaboration with the AC (decision 11/CMA.1, para. 13) CMA effectively supported in its work
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the work of the CMA on methodologies and the delivery of support to the LDCs Develop and regularly update an inventory of relevant methodologies suitable for the LDCs for assessing adaptation needs, including needs related to action, finance, capacity-building and technological support in the context of national adaptation planning and implementation (decision 11/CMA.1, para. 15), with support from the NAP technical working group, as a contribution to a broader inventory of methodologies CMA effectively supported in its work
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the development of methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support Compile information by May 2020, based on submissions from Parties and other relevant actors, on gaps, challenges, opportunities and options associated with methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support CMA effectively supported in its work
CMA/COP/SBI support Supporting the development of methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support Compile existing methodologies, by CMA 3, for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support, in collaboration with the Standing Committee on Finance and relevant experts, suitable for the LDCs, in collaboration with compilation efforts of the AC (decision 11/CMA.1, para. 35) CMA effectively supported in its work
Collaboration with relevant bodies under the Convention: Continue to collaborate with relevant bodies and programmes under the Convention and the Paris Agreement on joint and related mandates, and to promote coherence and synergy
Collaboration with relevant bodies under the Convention Continue to collaborate with the AC on various activities Address mandates from the COP and the CMA and collaborate through the NAP technical working group, the AC task force on NAPs and the task force on the technical examination process on adaptation Outputs as per mandate
Collaboration with other bodies Collaborating with the Executive Committee of the WIM A LEG member to participate in the work of the task force on displacement of the Executive Committee of the WIM Mandates fulfilled
Collaboration with other bodies Engaging the NWP partner organizations Engage NWP partner organizations in implementing relevant activities on NAPs and providing support to the LDCs LDCs effectively supported
Collaboration with other bodies

Collaborating with the CGE

Consult with the CGE on training for assessing vulnerability and other aspects of adaptation in order to ensure consistency and efficiency Mandates fulfilled
Collaboration with other bodies Collaborating with the TEC Contribute to the TEC efforts to help countries align their work on technology needs assessments and NAPs LDCs effectively supported
Collaboration with other bodies Collaborating with the PCCB Continue to engage with the PCCB on ways to enhance its collaboration and cooperation on capacity-building with other constituted bodies and institutions LDCs effectively supported
Mobilizing others: Engage and mobilize organizations, regional centres and networks to enhance support provided to the LDCs
Mobilizing others Engaging regional centres and networks and relevant organizations Continue to engage and mobilize regional centres and networks to nominate LEG focal points Improved and consistent interaction with regional centres and networks
Mobilizing others Engaging regional centres and networks and relevant organizations Continue to mobilize relevant organizations and regional centres and networks to enhance the support provided to the LDCs for adaptation, including in relation to accessing funding from the GCF for the successful formulation and implementation of NAPs Expanded support to the LDCs
Mobilizing others Engaging and mobilizing relevant organizations to enhance support to the LDCs on adaptation Continue to engage and mobilize organizations in respect of support programmes for NAPs and support to the LDCs (such as NAP-GSP, the NAP Global Network and the Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans programme) through the NAP technical working group Enhanced support to the LDCs