Constituted Body meetings and events
Pilot CGE informal forum
22 Jun. 2019
13:00h - 16:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Lower Conference room, UN Campus
UN Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Pilot CGE informal forum
22 Jun. 2019
13:00h - 16:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Lower Conference room, UN Campus
UN Campus

 Report of the pilot CGE informal forum

The pilot CGE informal forum was organized in Bonn and seized the opportunity to engage in an implementation-focused exchange to facilitate addressing the technical assistance needs of  countries in a targeted manner!

This 3-hour event was made up of two technical sessions covering the existing and emerging needs and priorities in developing countries and support opportunities and delivery from the international community to implement the existing measurement, reporting and verification (MRV arrangements) under the Convention and prepare for the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.

The pilot informal CGE forum aimed to:

  • Improve understanding of what are the key developments under the Convention and the Paris Agreement in the areas of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and enhanced transparency framework, and their implications to developing country Parties;
  • Improve understanding of what are the existing and emerging constraints, challenges and needs of developing country Parties in the implementation of the existing MRV arrangements and the transitioning to the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement;
  • Provide an overview of the landscape of support opportunities available to developing country Parties for the implementation of the existing MRV arrangements and the transitioning to the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement;
  • Promote networking amongst developing country Parties seeking support with those entities that are in a position to provide the support needed;
  • Serve as a key vehicle for the Consultative Group of Experts to strengthen its engagement with the relevant stakeholders and facilitate delivery of impactful technical support and advice to developing countries.
Programme of the event  

Opening session



Opening statement by the Chair of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE),

Mr. Gervais Ludovic ITSOUA MADZOUS

Opening statement

Introductory remarks by the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) Chair,


Introductory remarks

Introductory remarks by the UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary,

Mr. Ovais SARMAD

Introductory remarks
Technical session – Part I: Emerging needs

Moving from the existing MRV arrangements to the enhanced transparency framework building on the key messages from its survey on gaps and needs


Lessons learned and experiences from the existing MRV arrangements and how they are preparing for the enhanced transparency framework

Country Presentation Ghana
- Mr. Daniel Benefor

Country Presentation Indonesia
- Mr. Joko Prihatno

Reflection on what structural changes are needed to the existing institutional arrangements to effectively support the implementation of the enhanced transparency framework

- Mr. Justin Goodwin, Aether (MRV/transparency expert)

Technical session Part II: Support opportunities and delivery

Overview presentation of CGE’s strategic priorities and technical support avenues available through it


Overview of financial resources available to developing countries under GEF-7, and procedures to access them

- Ms. Chizuru Aoki, GEF secretariat

Success stories in accessing funds from the GEF in a timely manner

Country Presentation Uruguay  
- Mr. Ignacio Lorenzo

Interactive discussion

Interested entities involved in support developing countries are invited to share their perspectives on:

  • the needs of developing country Parties, as they prepare for the implementation of the ETF
  • the strategic priorities
  • the key constraints and challenges in delivering support how the support provided can be improved.

Concluding session


Closing remarks
