AWG-KP 17 - Documents


Symbol Date Type Status Versions
Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP), Seventeenth session, 15-24 May 2012, Bonn, Germany
1. Opening of the session
2. Organizational matters
2. (a) Adoption of the agenda
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/1 2 Mar 2012 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (b) Organization of the work of the session
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/1 2 Mar 2012 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/2 5 Mar 2012 scenario notes Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Scenario note on the seventeenth session. Note by the Chair.
2. (c) Election of officers
3. Consideration of further commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/2 5 Mar 2012 scenario notes Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Scenario note on the seventeenth session. Note by the Chair.
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/MISC.1 9 May 2012 submissions by parties and organizations Published EN
Information by Parties included in Annex I listed in annex 1 to decision 1/CMP.7 on their quantified emission limitation or reduction objectives for the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/MISC.1/Add.1 14 May 2012 submissions by parties and organizations Published EN RU
Information by Parties included in Annex I listed in annex 1 to decision 1/CMP.7 on their quantified emission limitation or reduction objectives for the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. Submissions from Parties. Addendum.
4. Other matters
5. Report on the session
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/L.1 15 May 2012 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol on its seventeenth session held in Bonn from 15 to 24 May 2012. Rapporteur: Ms. Erika Hasznos (Hungary).
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/5 8 Feb 2013 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol on the first and second parts of its seventeenth session, held in Bonn from 15 to 24 May 2012 and Doha from 27 November to 6 December 2012.
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2012/5/Corr.1 18 Feb 2013 meeting reports Published EN
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol on the first and second parts of its seventeenth session, held in Bonn from 15 to 24 May 2012 and Doha from 27 November to 6 December 2012. Corrigendum.
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/1 14 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 14 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/2 15 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 15 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/3 16 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 16 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/4 17 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 17 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/5 18 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 18 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/6 19 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Saturday, 19 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/7 21 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 21 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/8 22 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 22 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/9 23 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 23 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/10 24 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 24 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/2012/I/OD/11 25 May 2012 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 25 May 2012 (SBI36) (SBSTA36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).
  FCCC/SB/2012/INF.1 25 May 2012 lists of participants Published EN SP FR
List of participants (SBSTA36) (SBI36) (ADP1) (AWG-KP17) (AWG-LCA15).