2nd High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance - "A multi-stakeholder approach to mobilization and delivery of adaptation finance"
16 Nov. 2016
15:00h - 19:00h
Marrakech, Morocco
Bab Ighli
2nd High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance - "A multi-stakeholder approach to mobilization and delivery of adaptation finance"
16 Nov. 2016
15:00h - 19:00h
Marrakech, Morocco
Bab Ighli

Programme:  Click here
Webcast: Click here
Report: Click here


In Lima, Parties at the COP decided that the second biennial high-level ministerial dialogue on climate finance would take place in Marrakech during the COP 22, to be informed by the 2016 SCF biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows of the Standing Committee on Finance, and to discuss adaptation finance; the need to support developing country Parties; cooperation on enabling enhanced environments and support for readiness activities. These priorities are in line with the conclusions drawn from the in-session workshop on long-term finance held in Bonn, in May 2016 (held in-line with decision 5/CP.20).

These conclusions include:

     a) The nationally determined contributions (NDCs) constitute a good opportunity for supporting the scaling up of climate finance, including adaptation finance whose access remains a challenge, particularly for small island developing States and least developed countries;

     b) Country-driven processes in developing countries are fundamental for scaling up climate finance; strengthening national public financing management system and the overall policy environment is vital to effectively manage, leverage and monitor the effectiveness of climate finance flows;

     c) The role of the private sector in adaptation finance needs to be further enhanced;

     d) Better information needs to be generated for more efficient planning, including through enhanced tracking of climate finance flows, particularly for adaptation finance.

Purpose of the Dialogue

The Ministerial Dialogue convened at COP 22 in Marrakech to provide a clear vision on how to make further progress on the mobilization of climate finance, supported by the broadest range of Parties.

In line with the COP 22 focus, the success of the Dialogue was assessed in terms of its capacity to enable real action for concrete results. Therefore, the Ministerial Dialogue focused on enabling and delivering concrete initiatives on leveraging and catalyzing public and private finance, with a particular focus on mobilization of adaptation finance in developing and emerging economies.

The High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance paid particular attention to issues and opportunities related to enhancing access, in addition to the delivery of climate finance and developing innovative tools in order to sustain the transformation towards a climate-resilient economy.

A space was also provided to discuss the concrete roadmap to achieve the target of USD 100 billion per year by 2020. The dialogue also allowed the presentation of examples of initiatives to deliver scaled-up public and private finance.

As such, the Ministerial Dialogue covered the key issues identified in the attached program.

The format

Brief scene-setting presentations followed by high-level panels helped launch the discussions by delivering targeted and forward looking thoughts on the topics at hand. The moderators then called upon participants to contribute to the discussion by reacting to the presentations, the panel discussions and views expressed by other Parties. The Dialogue was held in an enhanced plenary setting conducive to interactive discussions.


The Dialogue was led by the President of COP 22, CMP 12 and CMA 1, Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco, and moderated by high level climate finance experts. Ministers were encouraged to come prepared for an interactive and lively dialogue on the aforementioned issues. It was open to all Parties and observers attending COP 22. Delegations were provided with one seat at the table and one seat in an advisory row. In addition, adequate dedicated seating areas were made available for Parties, other members of delegations and representatives of observer organizations. Furthermore, the event was webcast. Interpretation in the official languages of the United Nations was provided.

Statements from Parties and observers

Inaugural Session

Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar
President of COP 22 and CMP 12

Opening statement 
Background information 
First Track “Financial Policies For Climate Action”

H.E. Mr. Frank Bainimarama
Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji


H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson
President of the 71st session of the United Nations


H.E. Mr. Mohamed Boussaid
Minister of Economy and Finance, Morocco 


Second Track “Scaling-Up Climate Finance And Widening The Field”

H.E. Edgar Lungu
President of the Republic of Zambia


Ms. Outi Honkatukia
Chief Negotiator for Climate Change, Finland and co-chair of the SCF


Ms. Naoko Ishii
CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility


Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim
Minister of Environment and Energy, Maldives, Chair of AOSIS


Ms. Isabella Lövin
Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden


Mr. Sean Kidney
CEO and co-Founder of the Climate Bonds Initiative, and Chair of the Climate Bonds Standards Board

Background on climate bonds 

Discussion Session -

statements from Parties statements from observers

AILAC - Statement 
Argentina - Statement 
Burkina Faso - Statement 
EU - Statement 
Germany - Statement 
Hungary - Statement 
Kiribati - Statement 
Marshall Islands - Statement 
Norway - Statement 
Philippines - Statement 

CJN - Statement 
Climate Action Network - Statement 
LGMA - Statement 
SVP Michelin - Statement 
Youth, Women and Gender, Farmers and Environmental NGOs - Joint Statement


Closing Session
  • Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar, President of COP 22, CMP 12 and CMA 1

Closing statement 

For any questions, please contact the secretariat.

Previous high-level ministerial dialogues on climate finance

1st HLMD
The 1st high-level ministerial dialogue was held at COP 20 in 2014 in Lima and provided Ministers and State representatives with an opportunity to reflect collectively on the path to meet the climate financing needs faced by developing countries, including the USD 100 billion goal per year by 2020.
The dialogue provided a clear political signal on the need to enable the successful mobilization, deployment, and use of climate finance for the pre-2020 period. Ministers agreed then on the need to ensure accessibility and clarity in the use of climate finance. Ministers also called for improving how the Convention deals with these issues.