Fecha Hora Título Type of Event Room/Venue
Lun, 16/11/2020 - Jue, 26/11/2020 V ENERGY WEEK organized by the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) High level, ministerial or head of state events
Lun, 16/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Energy series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
Sáb, 14/11/2020 - Vie, 20/11/2020 London Climate Action Week TBC
Vie, 13/11/2020 Evento Conjunto 2020: Empoderamiento climático: la educación para impulsar la ambición Regional events
Vie, 13/11/2020 FINANCE IN COMMON: Getting ahead of the Climate Curve - Adaptation Finance in the context of COVID -19 Regional events
Vie, 13/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Nature Based Solutions & Land Use series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
Jue, 12/11/2020 Paris Peace Forum, Finance in Common Summit Grande halle de la Villette
Jue, 12/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Oceans, Costal Zones, Water series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
Jue, 12/11/2020 FINANCE IN COMMON: Accelerating Investment for Climate Adaptation and Resilience Regional events
Mié, 11/11/2020 15:30 - 17:00 World café discussion on virtual capacity-building: Do´s, don´ts, and doubts Constituted Body meetings and events
Mié, 11/11/2020 - Jue, 12/11/2020 32nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum High level, ministerial or head of state events
Mié, 11/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Transport series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
Mar, 10/11/2020 - Jue, 12/11/2020 Virtual training on the existing Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) arrangements and the enhanced transparency framework (LAC, EE & WEO - Spanish) Constituted Body meetings and events
Mar, 10/11/2020 Evento Conjunto 2020: Juventud en movimiento por el Clima Regional events
Mar, 10/11/2020 Local Climate Solutions for Africa 2020: Getting down to business: enabling private sector leadership in the circular economy Regional events
Mar, 10/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Industry series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
Lun, 09/11/2020 27th Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board meeting
Lun, 09/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Opening and Climate & Health series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
Lun, 09/11/2020 - Jue, 19/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Resilience series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
Lun, 09/11/2020 - Jue, 19/11/2020 Race to Zero Dialogues: Finance series of dialogues Race to Zero Dialogues
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