Fecha Hora Título Type of Event Room/Venue
Mar, 07/04/2020 13:00 - 16:00 Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) webinars for contributors and experts Constituted Body meetings and events
Jue, 02/04/2020 1st session of the 35th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board
Jue, 02/04/2020 - Vie, 03/04/2020 2nd Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development UN events Palais de Nations
Mié, 01/04/2020 - Vie, 03/04/2020 09:00 - 18:00 20th Meeting of the Technology Executive Committee Constituted Body meetings and events UN City
Mar, 31/03/2020 Développement des scénarios d’émissions de GES dans le cadre de la révision des NDC dans les pays africains Regional events
Jue, 26/03/2020 Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
Mar, 24/03/2020 2020 Investor Summit on Climate Risk UN events
Mar, 24/03/2020 - Vie, 27/03/2020 Seventeenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC17) Constituted Body meetings and events Virtual meeting
Mié, 11/03/2020 Cooperative approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Mar, 10/03/2020 - Jue, 12/03/2020 11th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Constituted Body meetings and events
Mié, 04/03/2020 Développement des scénarios d’émissions de GES dans le cadre de la révision des NDC dans les pays africains : Cas de la ligne de base de la NDC du Maroc Regional events
Mié, 04/03/2020 Post-Executive Board 105th virtual meeting with Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) Constituted Body meetings and events
Mié, 04/03/2020 - Jue, 05/03/2020 09:00 - 16:00 Validation Workshop for the Island States in the Indian Ocean (ISIO) Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy Hotel Jen
Jue, 27/02/2020 - Vie, 28/02/2020 Partners Consultation: Realizing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through Improved Alignment with Investment Planning & Finance
Mié, 26/02/2020 Monitoreo y evaluación de políticas climáticas en Latinoamérica: Aprendizajes de una comunidad de práctica regional Regional events
Mar, 25/02/2020 - Mié, 26/02/2020 Youth Action for Climate Empowerment Africa Hub workshop Regional events
Lun, 24/02/2020 - Mar, 25/02/2020 Collaborative Instruments for Ambitious Climate Action (CIACA) – National presentation the Standard for GHG emission and mitigation action Regional events
Lun, 24/02/2020 - Mar, 25/02/2020 Collaborative Instruments for Ambitious Climate Action: Stakeholder Consultation workshop Regional events
Lun, 24/02/2020 - Mar, 25/02/2020 09:00 - 18:00 86th meeting of the Accreditation Panel (AP 86) AH V-U-111 (Fishtank)
Jue, 20/02/2020 - Vie, 21/02/2020 Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
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