Summaries of the consultations with the Chairs of Regional Groups and Coordinators of Constituencies during the ADP 2.10 held in Bonn, from 31 August to 4 September 2015

Consultations on the election of officers of Convention and Kyoto Protocol bodies were convened today and chaired by Mr. Cheikh Sylla, Vice-President of the COP/CMP Bureau.

The Chair urged all Chairs and Coordinators to consult within and between their regional groups and constituencies and to submit as soon as possible their nominations for the elections in Paris. The Chair further informed that, in view of the busy schedule in Paris, the deadline for the submission of these nominations is the close of the ADP session in October, on Friday 23 October 2015. The Chair also informed Chairs and Coordinators that if the nomination is not received by the deadline, the current officer will remain in office.

The Chair also reminded Chairs and Coordinators of the nominations that are outstanding from COP 20/CMP 10.

In addition, the Chair invited Non-Annex I Parties constituency to inform the secretariat of the two/three year term of office of their members on the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage.

In response to a question on the start of the term of office of members of the COP/CMP Bureau, the Chair informed that the members take office upon their election, specifically the President on the first day of the COP and the other members at the end of the session.

The secretariat also briefly presented the Membership and Electoral Portal which is currently being developed by the secretariat and which is expected to be launched in October 2015. The Membership and Electoral Portal will consist of easily accessible up to date membership information as well as a secure portal through which Chairs and Coordinators can submit their nominations.

The next consultations on elections will be held during the ADP 2.11 session (from 19 October to 23 October 2015).