UNFCCC Adaptation Calendar

Local communities and indigenous peoples: Leadership for a resilient future

Local communities and indigenous peoples stand at the front lines of climate change due to their dependence upon, and close relationship with, the environment and its resources.

Indigenous people care for 22% of the earth’s surface, including “an estimated 80 percent of the planet’s remaining biodiversity”. The IPCC recognizes how much we have to learn with and from local communities and indigenous peoples, which is a “major resource for adapting to climate change”.

Recognizing the need to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP 21) established a platform for the exchange of experience and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner.

The local communities and indigenous peoples platform broke fresh ground in 2017 by giving indigenous peoples and local communities an active role in shaping climate action, including a prominent role in the first open multi-stakeholder dialogue.

The calendar showcases the experiences and good practices of the local communities and indigenous peoples in adapting to climate change.


Women leading adaptation action - UNFCCC Adaptation Calendar 2017

Climate change has already affected all continents, impacting people, livelihoods, food security and ecosystems. The adverse impacts of climate change do not discriminate between men and women but women are more vulnerable. The majority of the world's poor are women who generally face higher risks and burdens in the face of climate change. 

At the same time, women play a crucial role in responding and adapting to the impacts of climate change and in building resilience in their countries and communities. Participation of women in decision making at all levels has led to improved outcomes in climate related policies and projects. Policy and project formulation and implementation without women's meaningful participation can increase existing inequalities and decrease the effectiveness of adaptation.

The UNFCCC process and its Paris Agreement highlight the importance of the development and implementation of national climate policies that are gender-responsive and gender-sensitive. An increasing number of climate change adaptation projects and programmes demonstrate this approach in action.

Further information:

  • Gender and climate change

  • Nairobi work programme synopsis paper on gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation to climate change: overview, available tools, good practices and lessons learned: Download

  • Least Developed Countries Expert Group paper on strengthening gender considerations in adaptation planning and implementation in the least developed countries: Download

An electronic version of the full 2017 calendar is available here.
