Course B: Technical review of national inventories reports of anthropogenic emissions by source and removals by sinks of GHG

Course B focuses on the review of the national inventory reports of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs, reported in accordance with decision 18/CMA.1, annex, chapter II. It covers the elements of the review of the national inventory report submitted by each Party as part of its BTR or as a stand-alone submission. It has six sub-courses:

New experts are expected to complete two courses: B.1 “General guidance and cross-cutting issues” and at least one sectoral sub-course. Experienced experts who have passed the mandatory training courses of the “Basic Course” and have participated in the technical reviews of GHG inventories under the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention, do not have to take Course B .

Registration for the 4th examination period will open on 5 August 2024

If you have finished “Course B: Technical review of national inventories reports of anthropogenic emissions by source and removals by sinks of GHG" and your nomination to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts if approved by the National Focal Point, you are ready to register for the examination period which will take place between 5 to 25 August 2024. We encourage you not to take more than 3 exams per examination period, there will be many examination opportunities during 2024.
