Subsidiary Body events
Linking Climate Change Science, Policy and Practice to Addressing Loss and Damage Associated with Slow onset Events
06 Jun. 2022
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
WCCB - Room Bonn, WCCB
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Subsidiary Body events
Linking Climate Change Science, Policy and Practice to Addressing Loss and Damage Associated with Slow onset Events
06 Jun. 2022
13:15h - 14:45h
Bonn, Germany
WCCB - Room Bonn, WCCB
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

The objective of this event is to showcase various types of losses and damages, especially those related to slow-onset events and processes, and associated policy instruments, action and support available to manage them. The event aims to link existing science, policy and effective practices, including efforts by countries, IPCC, and work under the WIM, particularly by its Expert Groups, Task Force and Technical Expert Group. In doing so, the event will exemplify possible losses and damages in human mobility and livelihoods, including those that are non-economic, such as cultural heritage.


Panel 1: The state of play: Impacts and risks.

Existing losses and damages associated with slow-onset impacts of climate change:

1. The latest science – What does the IPCC tell us? 

Ms. Adelle Thomas, IPCC AR6 author. presentation
2. The policy and practice of addressing loss and damage and their dynamics: the challenges of human mobility in the context of climate change (migration, displacement and planned relocation). Mr. Filimino Tuivanualevu, Senior Climate Change Adaptation Officer, Climate Change and International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Economy, Government of Fiji.
3. Country experience: An example of loss and damage associated with desertification and land degradation.

Mr. Sani Ayouba, Executive Director of JVE Niger (Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement). presentation

4. Using indigenous knowledge to address cultural heritage losses.

Ms. Sabantho Corrie-Edghill, of the Caribbean Amerindian Development Organization.  

Panel 2: Action and policy support: How are WIM expert groups assisting developing countries? 

Introduction by Mr. Nedal Katbeh-Bader, WIM ExCom.

The role of climate change policies, action and support in averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage:

5. Bringing synergies and coherence in climate change, risk management and humanitarian support.

Mr. Maarten van Aalst, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Member of the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management (TEG-CRM).
6. Perspectives from the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management: What do the risk profile assessments tell us?

Ms. Loretta Hieber Girardet, Chief, Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity-Development Branch, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Member of the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management (TEG-CRM).presentation

7. Perspectives on policies, action and support from the Task Force on Displacement.

Ms. Caroline Dumas, IOM Director General’s Special Envoy on Migration and Climate Action, and former French Ambassador, Member of the Task Force on Displacement (TFD).