Climate Change Kiosk - 07 November 2006

07 November 2006




Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC)
This presentation will spotlight and highlight the Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC), an initiative engineered by African youth to expand existing networks to form an African youth coalition on climate change. This coalition will connect African youth organizations and youth oriented organizations working on climate change issues. The coalition will seek to optimise climate change action by African youth and will bespearheaded by youth leaders from across Africa.

Sena Alouka (Togo)
Rachel Nampinga (Uganda)



Solar Generation and other Conference of Youth organisers showcasing youth action both at local and global levels
All around the world, young people are demonstrating that renewable energy and energy efficiency are working and are the RIGHT basis for real change to address climate change. By making concrete changes themselves in their local environment, they are setting example for other people and demand politicians do the same

Jake Torrie (Canada)
Laura Caniot (France)


17:00- 17:30


Climate Compass - a novel way to jump into local climate policy
Developed by the Climate Alliance with the support of the European Commission, "Climate Compass" is a method to assist local governments to design an immediate climate action programme. On-site advice with the help of a tool on policies and measures seeks to accelerate the political process.

Gotelind Alber
Sustainable Energy and Climate Policy

