Constituted Body meetings and events
LEG 39
10 - 12 Mar. 2021
12:00h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
LEG 39
10 - 12 Mar. 2021
12:00h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

The LEG meets twice a year to develop and review progress on the implementation of its work programme. At this meeting, the LEG reviewed the progress on its rolling work and developed the work programme for 2021–2022. The meeting included discussions with the least developed countries, the Green Climate Fund secretariat, the Global Environment Facility and its agencies, relevant organizations, regional centres and networks regarding support to the LDCs.


1. Adoption of the agenda

2. Election of officers

3. Update on intersessional work and events since LEG 38

4.  Update on activities from the LEG work programme for 2020–2021        

5. Priorities and needs for support for the LDCs

6. New developments on support to the LDCs: updates by the organizations

7. Development of the work programme for 2021–2022

8. Reporting to the SBI

9. Any other matters