Winners of 2017 UN Climate Solutions Awards Announced
12 октября 2017
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19 Global Climate Action Projects to be Honoured at the UN Climate Conference COP23 in Bonn

Nineteen ground-breaking initiatives from around the world were announced today, as recipients of the United Nations ‘Momentum for Change’ Climate Solutions Award.

The winners underline how Global Climate Action is accelerating, two years after the Paris Agreement was universally adopted and in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Representatives from the following three winning activities spoke about their innovative solutions at a special event in Berlin, Germany, on October 12:

  • A women-led, eco-fashion business that addresses climate change by recycling fabric waste to produce clothing collections, while providing jobs for disadvantaged female workers;
  • A partnership between TerraCylce, SUEZ, and Procter & Gamble that removes plastic from beaches and uses it to create shampoo bottles made with 25% of the reclaimed beach plastic;
  • The leading British retailer Marks & Spencer, who implemented a sustainable strategy that allowed them to achieve carbon neutrality for worldwide operations in 2014.

The Momentum for Change initiative, spearheaded by the UN Climate Change secretariat, shines light on some of the most innovative, scalable and practical examples of what people across the globe are doing to combat climate change.

Selected initiatives, called ‘Lighthouse Activities,’ demonstrate the exceptional amount of climate action happening around the world. Today’s announcement is part of wider efforts to mobilize action and ambition, as national governments work toward implementing the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, said: “I want to congratulate this year’s award winners. Their passion, creativity and positive impacts on the ground are extraordinary, real-world examples of how the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the wider SDGs is happening at all scales, across all countries, and across all sectors of society.

“We know that to meet our shared goals, ambition needs to be raised over the years and decades to come. These Lighthouse Activities provide direct inspiration to others—from developed and developing countries alike—to be agents of change that can catalyze communities and countries go further, faster, together,” she added.

The 19 winning activities fall within one of Momentum for Change’s five focus areas: Women for ResultsFinancing for Climate Friendly InvestmentICT SolutionsPlanetary Health, and Climate Neutral Now. All 19 activities will be showcased at a series of special events during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn, Germany (6 November to 17 November 2017).

Read more about the 19 game-changing initiatives:

1. From Waste to Wow | Italy

from waste to wow

QUID, a woman-led, eco-fashion social enterprise, addresses climate change by recycling high-quality fabric waste from fashion companies to produce women’s clothing collections.

2. More Corals = More Fish | Belize

more corals more fish

Women are offered grant-funded or subsidized training programs, often led by women divers, on marine tourism and lagoon ecology to restore coral reef habitats.

3. Sustainable Agriculture with Gender Inclusion and Participation in Quito | Ecuador

sustainable agriculture

Women are taught sustainable food production through agricultural measures that increase food security, reduce carbon emissions, and shrink the city´s ecological footprint.

4.  Building Resilient Livelihoods | Sudan

building resilient livelihoods

This project distributes agricultural packages to women farmers, including hands-on training in conservation agricultural techniques, and access to finance and markets.

5. Kaxu Solar One | South Africa

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The International Finance Corporation leveraged private-sector capital to develop and construct the world’s first large-scale concentrated solar power plant, using blended funding to close funding gaps and to deliver positive results to stakeholders.

6. Green Finance and the Aggregation of Swedish Local Government Investment Projects | Sweden

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Through the Kommuninvest Green Bonds framework, smaller municipalities that are important in achieving Sweden’s environmental targets of becoming a fossil-free nation, are provided with green financing opportunities. 

7. Partnerships to Advance Climate Risk Insurance Approaches | Grenada, Jamaica, and Saint Lucia

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The Munich Climate Insurance Initiative designed and implemented a parametric index-based microinsurance product to cover extreme weather damage in the Caribbean in partnership with social aggregators like credit unions, farmers’ cooperatives and associations. 

8. ICTs For Small-Scale Farmers: A Game Changing Approach to Climate Smart Agriculture in Latin America | Colombia and Honduras

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This easy-to-use ICT tool collects, collates, and analyzes weather data to inform farmers in advance on how to adjust their agricultural practices to ensure maximum crop-yield and thus food security. 

9. SmartICE | Canada

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Developed by the Memorial University of Newfoundland, this tool helps Inuit (indigenous people) adapt to thinning sea-ice by providing information to aid in the planning of safe routes on the ice, thus reducing travel risks.

11. Green Credit Card | South Korea

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Credit card users are rewarded with points that are converted into cash or can be donated to environmental funds when they buy ecological products, use public transport, make paper-less transactions, and consume less electricity, water, and gas.

12. Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Biodiversity (CLIMB) | France, Italy, and Switzerland

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A local scientific NGO has built an innovative Biodiversity and Climate Change Observatory engineered by Orange on Mont-Blanc to measure and report the impact of climate change in the region, using 70 tailor-made temperature stations, distant monitoring software, and connected webcams and camera traps.

 13. Restoring Peatlands in Russia | Russia

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This project, led by Wetlands International and supported by German and Russian government ministries, is spearheading the restoration of peatlands in Russia, and reducing the incidence of fires in peatland areas, and the resulting CO2 emissions and smoke particulates.

 14. Cleaning our Oceans of Plastic | Haiti, Southeast Asia

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People in Haiti bring recycled plastic to one of 20 recycling markets operated by Plastic Bank, where it is exchanged for cash or critical essentials, such as a child’s school tuition. Removing plastic from waterways also helps stop the spread of some tropical diseases by eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

 15. Reclaiming Global Waterways and Beaches | France

reclaiming water ways of plastic

TerraCycle and Procter & Gamble have partnered to manufacture the world’s first recyclable shampoo bottle made from “beach plastic” waste for the shampoo brand Head & Shoulders. The removal of degrading plastic from waterways and beaches delivers improved health for the fish, birds, animals and humans who rely on the ocean for food.

 16. Sustainable Energy for Safe Childbirth | Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Nepal

sustainable energy safe childbirth

We Care Solar saves lives in childbirth by bringing solar power to remote, off-grid, and under-resourced medical centers. This initiative saves lives, as health workers no longer struggle to provide life-saving care with inadequate and dangerous lighting, such as kerosene lanterns, candles, and diesel fuel generators.

 17. Plan A Carbon Reduction | United Kingdom

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Leading British retailer Marks & Spencer started their ‘Plan A’ sustainable strategy in 2007. In 2012, they became carbon neutral in the UK and Ireland, which was further extended to all Marks & Spencer operations worldwide in 2014.

 18. Net Positive Wine | United States of America

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Fetzer Vineyards has been leading the wine industry in sustainable practices for decades, becoming the first Zero Waste certified wine company in the world, and the first winery in California to operate on 100% renewable energy.

 19. Aviva's Climate Neutral Plan | United Kingdom

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In 2006, Aviva became the first global insurance group to offset its entire operational emissions, and over the 10 years since Aviva became carbon neutral, it has saved 1.3 million tonnes of CO2e emissions through carbon finance projects.

 20. The Zero Carbon Police Force | United Arab Emirates

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Dubai Police is measuring and reducing its emissions, with a goal to become carbon neutral by 2020 – the first police force to achieve this feat globally.