Greenhouse Gas Inventory Software for non-Annex I Parties (NAIIS)



All non-Annex I Parties are required to submit a national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources, and removals by sinks, of all greenhouse gases (GHGs) as part of their national communications. The secretariat developed a web-based application for use by non-Annex I Parties in estimating and reporting their GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks. It is accessible here:

News and Updates
Current version of NAIIS is 2.0.0

User Support for the NAIIS Web Application

The NAIIS User Manual (3454 kB)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Access is provided through your National Focal Point (NFP). If your country has not yet requested and received access rights, please have your NFP contact:

To nominate a team member to use the application, your NFP must complete this Registration Form and e-mail it to The table below explains different levels of the access rights and corresponding explanation for each role. It is important to note that the roles are not necessarily identical to a person’s title (e.g. NFP) and that a person can take on several roles (which may be necessary for some countries).

Type of access rights
Process to gain access rights

NFP: Will be responsible for identifying the members of the team and is the only one who has the right to approve the submission.

NFPs will be able to create, edit, update or delete all of their country’s GHG data entries and grant access rights to ‘Project manager’ and 'Sectoral experts' for their country if they choose to.

For the purpose of this NAIIS web application, the NFP can be any expert/member nominated by the NFP for the UNFCCC, on behalf of its country.

Parties that have not already requested and received access rights can obtain them by having their NFP contact:

(Note: Some Parties may have more than 1 individual acting as NFPs; however the system can accommodate only 1 account per Party)

Project manager: Will have rights to enter/edit data in all sectors, as well as to generate official submission.

Entities will be provided these rights by their NFP. If a Party decides to grant access to a PM, their NFP will be able to create such user account on the NAIIS application.

Sectoral experts: Will have rights to enter/edit data in respective sector(s).

Experts will be provided these rights by their NFP. If a Party decides to grant access to Sectoral Experts, the NFP will be able to create such user accounts and assign them in respective sector(s).

NAIIS - Summary and background   As per Article 4, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 12, paragraph 1(a) of the Convention, non-Annex I Parties are required to communicate to the Conference of the Parties a national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases (GHGs) not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, to the extent its capacities permit, following the guidelines contained in annex to decision17/CP.8.

In order to facilitate non-Annex I Parties in developing and reporting their GHG inventories as a part of their national communications, the secretariat developed an Excel-based software which incorporated all the elements of a national GHG inventory prescribed by decision 17/CP.8. The software was based on the IPCC inventory software version 1.1 which used the Tier 1 methodologies for estimating GHG emissions and removals for all source categories described in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines, and further complimented by GPGs.¹

Since its release in 2005, most non-Annex I Parties have been using that software for development of their national GHG inventories. In December 2011, Parties requested the secretariat to upgrade the software and make it available to non-Annex I Parties by June 2013. Pursuant to that request, the secretariat upgraded the current Excel-based version of the software (v.1.3.2)² into a web-based application that provides greater degree of flexibility in using it as well as enable a prompt upgrade of the application to respond to any possible methodological changes that may occur in the UNFCCC process, such as the possible switch to the use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines in the reporting of national GHG inventories by non-Annex I Parties.

Upon request to the secretariat, each non-Annex I Party will be provided with an access to a password enabled working space in the web-based application. The individual working space will contain the following functionalities:

1. Software to estimate and report GHG emissions, conduct key source analysis, consistency and completeness checks, and report the results of uncertainty analysis;³

2. Export to and import from in the Excel and Xml format;

3. Inventory management, including management of users and different versions of the inventory;

4. Archiving of the finalized inventories;

Contact and Feedback   For further details / queries/ feedback on the NAIIS Web Application, please contact: helpdesk) or (non-Annex I national communications team)