CCKIOSK Climate Talk Series - Theme: Time for Action

08 December 2005




Gender and climate change: Why it makes a difference
Women and men respond differently to the necessities of climate protection, due to their respective roles in societies. Mitigation and adaptation policies need to be checked for gender specific impacts. The talk presents existing evidence and outlines what else we need to find out to make climate protection work ­ for and with women and men.

Ms. Ulrike Roehr and Ms. Minu Hemmati on behalf of Life e.V. and Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF)



Women and Men and Climate Change: Government Action
Ministers Sommestad and Mabuda-Fahsi will share experiences from their own countries and elswhere, focusing on actions where women's participation and consideration of gender aspects is making climate change mitigation and adaptation policies more effective. Ministers will also give examples of actions supported in partnerships between developed and developing countries.








Ms. Lena Sommestad
Minister of the Environment of Sweden








Ms. Rejoice Mabudafahsi
Deputy Minister of South Africa Department
of Environmental Affairs and Tourism


17:00- 17:30


H2, an alternative to fossil fuels?
We will demonstrate that concrete efforts are made by Air Liquide to enable a Hydrogen economy. Although it is true that most of the hydrogen produced commercially today comes from fossil fuels derivates, time is not that far where other means of H2 production will lead to a real alternative for fossil fuels.

Mr. Pierre Gauthier
Director, Corporate Development
Air Liquide Canada Inc.


17:30- 18:00

A twelve-step process for achieving 100% fossil fuel reduction in British Columbia, Canada
The BC Sustainable Energy Association’s vision is a British Columbia that has phased out all use of fossil fuels. We have analyzed BC’s energy use, and explored alternative pathways for most energy uses. The result would be a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Mr. Guy Dauncey
Author of Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change
President of the BC Sustainable Energy Association
Victoria, Canada



Private Investments Move Ecopower (PRIME) – A Participatory Approach To Financing Energy Efficiency Measures
Municipalities across Europe often face a similar dilemma: the opportunities for energy savings in public buildings clearly exist and could save substantial amounts of money, but the funding for the necessary initial investment cannot be found in the coffers of the public administration. In these same communities, however, we can find citizens who are concerned about environmental hazards caused by energy production and would be able and keen to provide funds as a form of investment that will foster local development and the dissemination of environmentally sound technology. The PRIME project aims to bring these two sides together by making possible the retrofitting of pubic buildings to implement the rational use of energy (RUE) and introduce the utilization of renewable energy sources (RES).

Dr. Bettina Wittneben
Senior Research Fellow
Energy, Transport and Climate Policy
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

